procount / pinn

An enhanced Operating System installer for the Raspberry Pi
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Raspberry Pi OS + Recalbox installation fails #448

Open lmutt opened 3 years ago

lmutt commented 3 years ago

I tried to install "Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit)" + "RECALBOX" with latest PINN (from, but in the end of installation appears a dialog with the message "OS(es) Installed with error. See debug log for details." and an "OK" button. Clicking in this OK button, the hardware reboots and boots in "Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit)" successfully. Rebooting again from this OS, in the PINN menu, Recalbox does not appears as an option (the menu flashes so fast that there is no time to read). With shift pressed, in "recovery mode" I was able to confirm that the Recalbox was not listed as installed. After this, inserting the SD card in my PC, I've checked that the partition called "RECALBOX" is empty.

What could be the problem? I've tried the same setup with NOOBS and both OS works.

Please see the debug file collected from /tmp/debug, attached. debug.txt

PS: This is my first trial on PINN after discovering that NOOBS does not support HDMI CEC or Joystick input (there were some issues with CEC and Joystick with PINN, but this is a minor issue that I will try to resolve later). My hardware is an Raspberry Pi 1B, with an 16 GB SD card.

procount commented 3 years ago

Recalbox is a new version that has just been released for NOOBS by it's maintainers. I've not even tried it myself yet. Thanks for including debug.txt. it indicates the setup script failed, which causes PINN to delete the installation. It's odd that it works in NOOBS though. It probably needs some changes to it's meta files. I'll investigate the issue. Thanks for reporting it. Sorry you found this on your first use of PINN.

annaclets commented 3 years ago

Recalbox's partition image is web based. It may have simply failed to download.

The solution is simply just try again.

lmutt commented 3 years ago

Recalbox's partition image is web based. It may have simply failed to download.

The solution is simply just try again.

I've tried 2 times.

procount commented 3 years ago

There are some issues with their metadata, like the OS name for PI0 and PI1 has a '/' in it, which doesn't play well I had offered to review their files, but I haven't had time to yet. It will require some changes, so please be patient for a while.

lmutt commented 3 years ago

There are some issues with their metadata, like the OS name for PI0 and PI1 has a '/' in it, which doesn't play well I had offered to review their files, but I haven't had time to yet. It will require some changes, so please be patient for a while.

Thank you very much. I will wait.

lmutt commented 3 years ago

Wouldn't it be simpler to adapt PINN to be more robust with OS metadata than trying to convince an OS to correct its metadata? I also remember that it works in NOOBS (that I abandoned because it requires keyboard/mouse to select the OS).

procount commented 3 years ago

I will update PINN anyway. It's only the pi0/1 version that doesn't work. The pi2 pi3 and pi4 should all download ok. But none of the extra PINN features will work with recalbox atm, like download or backup

tommyrydel commented 3 years ago

@procount I have the exact same issue mentioned. "OS(es) Installed with error. See debug log for details." and the Recalbox was not installed and empty when I open it on my PC. I'm running Raspberry Pi 3B+ and a 32 GB SD card.

I'm new to this world so maybe I'm doing something wrong, but exactly the same issue.

procount commented 3 years ago

Recalbox is not correct at the moment. I will work with the maintainers to fix this. Please be patient in the meantime.

procount commented 3 years ago


No idea. It worked last time I tried it. I will put it in the queue (which is unusually very long at the moment....)

ernesto-barroso commented 3 years ago

the same here: i've just tried it and get the same error: «OS(es) Installed with error».

i'm also running a RaspBerry Pi 3 and it also worked with NOOBS (a dual installation, LibreELEC + Recalbox).

is there any other way to make it work?

anyway, i would like to thank you your work in PINN: i can use my gamepad in the boot menu!

procount commented 3 years ago

the same here:

You mean Recalbox? - same answer as above, or LibreELEC?

ernesto-barroso commented 3 years ago

recalbox, sorry. i mean i've tried to install libre elec + recalbox with PINN and recalbox failed to install (it does work with NOOBS to me).

hyperbrute commented 3 years ago

Hi, Same error «OS(es) Installed with error» for me with raspberryos+libreelec+recalbox with PINN on RaspBerry Pi 3 on 64GB SD card. If it could help: debut.txt (juste the error):

Executing: "/usr/sbin/mkfs.ext4 -L OVERLAY /dev/mmcblk0p8" 
part "/dev/mmcblk0p6" "6B1B-258B" "RECALBOX" 
part "/dev/mmcblk0p7" "" "" 
part "/dev/mmcblk0p8" "bff55274-ddec-4a1f-87b1-3f6add84f846" "OVERLAY" 
Executing: sh ("/settings/os/Recalbox_-_Pi3/1/", "part1=/dev/mmcblk0p6", "id1=LABEL=RECALBOX", "part2=/dev/mmcblk0p7", "id2=UUID=", "part3=/dev/mmcblk0p8", "id3=LABEL=OVERLAY") 
Env: ("partuuid1=PARTUUID=e8954468-06", "partuuid2=PARTUUID=e8954468-07", "id1=LABEL=RECALBOX", "partuuid3=PARTUUID=e8954468-08", "id2=UUID=", "id3=LABEL=OVERLAY", "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin", "part1=/dev/mmcblk0p6", "part2=/dev/mmcblk0p7", "part3=/dev/mmcblk0p8") 
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mmcblk0p7,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error

       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail or so.

recovery.cmdline: runinstaller quiet ramdisk_size=32768 root=/dev/ram0 init=/init vt.cur_default=1 elevator=deadline no_group no_default_source select="allnetwork" disablesdimages alt_image_source= loglevel=2 sdhci.debug_quirks2=4

and i look at os_list.json:

and after partitions.json:

The partition SHARE doesn't seem to be in a good fileformat (07 is NTFS no ?!?):

            "empty_fs": true,
            "filesystem_type": "unformatted",
            "label": "SHARE",
            "partition_size_nominal": 10267,
            "partition_type": "07",
            "want_maximised": true

Thank you !

procount commented 3 years ago

I have created an alternative set of meta files to allow PINN to install Recalbox. Please use the versions called "recalbox-rpiX". Also use the v3.5.4 of PINN which additionally supports the exfat file system required for recalbox 7 backups.

hyperbrute commented 3 years ago

Hi @procount I just tried with the new version of PINN. Exactly the same error than before at the end of the installation. (i don't understand what you say "Please use the versions called "recalbox-rpiX"", is it special versions of PINN ?!)

Happy new year anyway and thank you for your work ;)

procount commented 3 years ago

You should now see TWO versions of Recalbox in PINN under the Games category. If you are using a PI3, you will see the original recalbox called "Recalbox - Pi3" and a new one called "recalbox-rpi3". If you use the original one, you will still get the same error. So use the new "recalbox-rpi3" version with the shorter description.

hyperbrute commented 3 years ago

Ok. Yes I choose the new one on I understand my error : I download the new recovery.cmdline BUT used the old one instead... I'll try the new one

Thank you !

procount commented 3 years ago

I've not tried it via Matt's webpage. It usually takes 24 hours to update with any changes. Plus you need to re-download your recovery.cmdline

redm123 commented 3 years ago

The issue is already closed, but some thoughts nonetheless, as I also struggled with this one:

You should now see TWO versions of Recalbox in PINN under the Games category. If you are using a PI3, you will see the original recalbox called "Recalbox - Pi3" and a new one called "recalbox-rpi3". If you use the original one, you will still get the same error. So use the new "recalbox-rpi3" version with the shorter description.

That's pretty confusing. Entirely unclear why there are two, and what's the difference. I went for "Recalbox - Pi3", because it looked ... better. First option would be to support the original Recalbox version. Second best, give the other one a better description, that it is a PINN-fixed version which should be used instead.

And the error message says I should check the log. I can only click OK, and poof it's gone and reboots. After re-entering PINN the debug log does not show anything useful (I suppose I'd have to login through SSH or whatever). It would be great if it would allow me to actually view the log (like a button Show Log, which opens the log window). And it might tell me which system had the error (I can only guess)...

procount commented 3 years ago

The one that doesn't work comes direct from the recalbox maintainers for NOOBS. It is not 100% correct for PINN. I have told them how to change it but they haven't done it yet, so I added one that does work. Maybe I need to make the description clearer.

ChristopherLKL commented 2 years ago

Hi @procount ,

I'm using raspberry pi zero 2. I'm trying to install dualboot for raspberry pi os 64-bit and recalbox. I faced the same issue as the others with recalbox 8.0.1, and from what I understood I'm supposed to use the original version (recalbox 7.1.1) ? But it seems that recalbox 7 is not available for rpi zero 2.

Currently the latest version of recalbox is 8.0.2, and I managed to install it on my rpi zero 2 as a single OS. I believe this version would work with PINN ?

Thanks for your help.

procount commented 2 years ago

Recalbox has been updated by its maintainers and I have little control over what they do. Their metafiles are quite different to other OSes, but they should work with PINN. Let me have a look and I'll try and replace them with better versions like I did before.

ChristopherLKL commented 2 years ago

Many thanks.

procount commented 2 years ago

I have done some quick changes to allow Recalbox to be installed without an error message. Please reboot PINN TWICE and it should then install properly. However, there are still some issues with it:

  1. Backup seems to be enabled, but I haven't checked it.
  2. Pi Zero 2 is not selectable. A workaround is to add showall to recovery.cmdline (or use the Edit Options under the Edit Config dialog) and then install the version for the Pi3. On their website, they include a separate version for the Pi Zero 2, but there is no corresponding NOOBS version. I don't know what the difference is yet.

I will try and create a better set of metafiles for Recalbox to avoid the duplicate sets, but it should be installable now.

ChristopherLKL commented 2 years ago

Hi, the workaround with Pi3 (v8.0.1) seems to be working with Pi Zero 2. I've managed to boot on both recalbox and raspberry pi os 64-bits. Recalbox seemed to have auto-upgraded with v8.0.2. Thanks a lot

procount commented 2 years ago

There is no difference between the PiZero2 and the Pi3 versions, so the workaround should be fine. Downloads to a local USB drive won't work at the moment.