Hello please see the following output from my curl requests:
curl -d "client_id=<client_id_was_here>&client_secret=<client_secret_was_here>&grant_type=client_credentials" -X POST https://api.producthunt.com/v1/oauth/token
$ curl -H 'Authorization: 75e023cf0d711ee43afd7eca37db44a37b3278bbd889a97ef507aef2c46dfd55' https://api.producthunt.com/v1/posts
{"error":"unauthorized_oauth","error_description":"Please supply a valid access token. Refer to our api documentation about how to authorize an api request. Please also make sure you require the correct scopes. Eg \"private public\" for to access private endpoints."}
Am I supposed to get that? I just wanted to fetch all the posts.
Hello please see the following output from my curl requests:
Am I supposed to get that? I just wanted to fetch all the posts.