prof-rossetti / internet-technologies

Internet Technologies (for Business)
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Peer Evals #6

Closed s2t2 closed 6 months ago

s2t2 commented 4 years ago

Original peer eval language (not used for website project, maybe use for group project):

Website Peer Evaluation
Fill out the Personal Website Peer Evaluation Form when instructed to do so by the professor.

This peer evaluation is worth 5% of your final grade. Thank you for taking the time to review and evaluate your peers' websites. As you complete this evaluation, please maintain an objective state of mind, focusing on the merits of the projects you are evaluating, not any personal relationships you may have with your peers. Remember, your evaluations are anonymous, and your peers will not know who evaluated their projects.

At the appropriate time, you will receive an email containing a list of five peer projects for you to evaluate. For each of these five peer projects:

Paste the project link into the appropriate section of the form to indicate which project you are evaluating.
Visit the project link in a browser, and take a few moments to navigate around that site to get a good feel for it.
Think about what you like about the site, and/or what you think could be improved, then type your comments into the appropriate section in the form.
Assign the project a number score from 1 (poor) to 10 (awesome) in the appropriate section.
Repeat for each assigned peer project, then submit.