profanity-im / profanity

Ncurses based XMPP client
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Feature Request: implement serverless messaging (XEP-0174) #635

Open BrainDamage opened 8 years ago

BrainDamage commented 8 years ago

It would be nice if you could add support for XEP-0174: Serverless Messaging which is handy to talk to friends/coworkers in the same network segment without having to setup a dedicated server

boothj5 commented 8 years ago

I wasn't actually aware of this XEP and agree it would be a very good feature.

Might take a little while, but I'll definitely look into it.

pasis commented 8 years ago

This feature requires additional support from libstrophe, because API gives access to connection only after authentication. Similar problem is described here .

boothj5 commented 8 years ago

I am planning to take a look at this in libmesode. As with any other changes I'll try to make sure that they are made available to libstrophe.

jubalh commented 4 years ago

This might be worked on at

sjehuda commented 2 months ago

Gentlemen, do you have an idea on how to accelerate the implementation of XEP-0174 into libstrophe?

Here is a comment I have posted at libstrophe, in the hope to persuade that this feature is critically important.

Any progress on it?

Why was this comment marked as spam?

  • This feature is crucial;
  • It appears that only a handful of XMPP developers are aware of it, and it is a miracle that we have @Neustradamus with us to ecourage it.
  • Because people are not aware of it, they refer to their own non-standard implementation. croc, localsend, sharik which on the short and long term is more expensive and lesser sustainable than implementing XEP-0174;
  • Implementing XEP-0174 would ensure the continuation of projects that support XEP-0174.

Other critical reasons to support XEP-0174.

  1. In case of suspension of operation of telecommunication infrastructure (i.e. "outage"), LAN/Mesh networks with this feature would be essential.
  2. Privacy wise for communications of inside a building (e.g. in case you are intelligence, military, or a business company etc.
  3. Easy file sharing (see projects mentioned above).
  4. Do you have a big very house? Are you an aristocrat? Then XEP-0174 would be for you!

Gentlemen, even Profanity awaits for libstrophe to bring forth XEP-0174.

This is critical which makes it a surprise that only @hhartzer and @Neustradamus have commented on this ticket recently.

jubalh commented 2 months ago

I commented on the libstrophe issue: