Closed RunarAnd closed 7 years ago
It is weird because normally it should use the default encoding of your system JVM.
I have built a snapshot version that contains a modification in order to force UTF-8.
Could you check if it works?
Best regards
the issue is that the Powershell instance is not using the JVM default Encoding. See my Pull Request.
Best Regards, Harinus
When one is trying to pass special characters it fails To recreate:
`public class Main { public static void main(String[] args){ //Execute a command in PowerShell session PowerShellResponse response = PowerShell.executeSingleCommand("$var1 = \"æøøå\"; $var1 | Out-File text.txt");
The content of the text.txt file is then ├ª├©├©├Ñ and it should be "æøøå"