Open xmubeen opened 7 years ago
Could you detail your issue and add an example of your call? jPowerShell just performs a "new File()" in order to copy to tmp. If the "new File()" works with your path, it should work in jPowerShell.
Hello Prof, I tried executing a PS script line below: PowerShellResponse response = powerShell.configuration(config).executeScript("f:/_d/project/training/JAVA_HTP/src/mServ.ps1 ZTime stop");
And it can not seem to locate the Powershell script: Script output:Wrong script path: f:_d\project\training\JAVA_HTP\src\mServ.ps1 ZTime stop
mServ.ps1 is existing in the specified directory.
How can this be fixed?
Your help is much appreciated.
Regards, brag
@bragustin The issue with your command are the arguments after the script path
ZTime stop
These go after like so:
PowerShellResponse response = powerShell.configuration(config).executeScript("F:/_d/project/training/JAVA_HTP/src/mServ.ps1", "ZTime stop");
I am trying to execute the powershell script which is deployed as web application at C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0, when I look at the source code of it creates the temporary file and when file path have space it is not working.
Hope to get a fix quickly