profesorfalken / jPowerShell

Simple Java API to interact with PowerShell console
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ProcessBuilder memory leak and memoy lock issues #80

Open SivaBalaSubramanian-Vetrivel opened 3 years ago

SivaBalaSubramanian-Vetrivel commented 3 years ago

Hi All

The code below uses PowerBuilder to execute  power shell. Just want to confirm the chances of memory leak and memory lock. As per this link memory leak got fixed, however do we have any details on memory lock. I would appreciate if some one share  any workaround, fix

if (OSDetector.isWindows()) { pb = new ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe", "/c", "chcp", codePage, ">", "NUL", "&", powerShellExecutablePath, "-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-NoExit", "-NoProfile", "-Command", "-"); } else { pb = new ProcessBuilder(powerShellExecutablePath, "-nologo", "-noexit", "-Command", "-"); }