profiq / docgen

IntelliJ plugin to generate Python documentation using OpenAI's GPT model
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Waiting for OpenAI dialog hangs when insufficient_quota error occurs #9

Closed martasd closed 1 year ago

martasd commented 1 year ago

Feedback od Šaňa:

Kolega pouzival (docgen v Pycharmu na Windows) a pri jeho free GPT verzi mu to vyhodilo tuto chybu pri generovani docstring, coz je asi ocakavane:


Problem je, ze pak ten window, ktory akoby caka na odpoved openAI sa zasekne a neda sa zavriet ani to Cancel tlacitko nereaguje. Pak je nutny restart PyCharmu.

msvana commented 1 year ago

Steps to replicate:

  1. Set your OpenAI API hard spending limit below your current monthly usage
  2. Wait a few minutes
  3. Try to use Docgen

EDIT: The same issue occurs with other errors, e.g., using a non-existing model