Open enescaglar opened 4 years ago
There are changes in binary protocol of tarantool. See #148
Thank you for your comment.
For quick solution you can see my fork with fix
Thank you, it worked with your fix.
I've got the same error on INSERT query. Fix created by @ilnardinio solved this issue.
When I try to create a table, I am getting the following error but even if the error is thrown when I checked the spaces from tarantool the space is created.
Here is the code I am using (target framework is .net core 3.1) :
using var tarantoolClient = await Box.Connect("localhost", 3301); await tarantoolClient.ExecuteSql("CREATE TABLE TEST (ID INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR(200) )");
And this is the result from tarantool command line:
What am I missing here, what could be the problem?
Thank you.