progdruid / by-14

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make bundle for linux #23

Open FutureExcited opened 5 days ago

FutureExcited commented 5 days ago

We need to talk about your game's dire situation. It's trapped in a Windows-only world, like a penguin trying to surf the web with Internet Explorer. Don't you know that Linux users are the cool kids of the operating system playground? We've got terminal street cred and a burning desire to play your game without dual-booting or selling our souls to Microsoft! Your game, "By-14", sounds amazing. But right now, it's like a delicious pizza that can only be eaten with a Windows-branded fork. Think of all the potential Linux players out there, their keyboards gathering dust as they longingly stare at their Steam libraries, dreaming of the day they can experience the glory of "By-14" on their penguin-powered machines. Remember, friend: real games don't discriminate based on operating system. They're like Swiss Army knives – ready for action whether you're chopping veggies on Windows, opening cans on Mac, or tightening screws on Linux. So come on, be a hero! Embrace the power of cross-platform development. Let "By-14" spread its wings and soar across the vast expanse of operating systems. Your Linux fans (okay, maybe just me) will erect monuments in your honor, sing ballads about your coding prowess, and maybe even forgive you for making us wait this long. Don't let "By-14" become "Bye-14" for Linux users. Set it free! Let it run wild and free in the open-source prairies of Linux. Your game deserves better than being chained to a single OS – it's time for a jailbreak, developer style!

FutureExcited commented 5 days ago

wtf invalid???