progit / progit2

Pro Git 2nd Edition
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Link to @jnavila's GitHub profile #1682

Closed HonkingGoose closed 2 years ago

HonkingGoose commented 3 years ago



This makes it easier to find out who you need to ping when you need help setting up the EPUB publication chain.

Maybe this line can be removed? I guess new translation repositories can just copy/paste and adjust the our GitHub Actions setup from us, and have it working for them quite easily. So maybe we do not need to bother @jnavila anymore? 😉

ben commented 3 years ago

I guess new translation repositories can just copy/paste and adjust the our GitHub Actions setup from us

Is that enough, though? IIRC we need to do something on the website to list the new files for download, right?

HonkingGoose commented 3 years ago

Is that enough, though? IIRC we need to do something on the website to list the new files for download, right?

@ben You're correct, you need to add the new translation to a file on the git/ repository. Quote from the file on git/

Manual Intervention

The site mostly just runs without intervention:

  • code merged to main is auto-deployed

  • new git versions are detected daily and manpages and download links updated

  • book updates (including translations) are picked up daily

There are a few tasks that still need to be handled by a human:

  • new images added to the book have to be copied manually from progit/progit2

  • new languages for book translations need to be added to lib/tasks/book2.rake

  • forced re-imports of content (e.g., a formatting fix to imported manpages) must be triggered manually

jnavila commented 3 years ago


Translators can do this all by themselves, but they usually don't have the knowledge to do so. As I have to manage a lot of repositories the same way, I have set up a repo with the shared recipes for producing the ebooks where all the translations repos pull the build scripts. These scripts add two things compared to progit:

This used to work well until shut down. I haven't yet switched to github actions, by lack of time. The idea is to put minimal stuff in the CI config. The CI part still needs to provide the tagging and publishing of artifacts. I will copy @ben 's part for this. I intend to use a GitHub action template for this.

If it is of interest, we could switch progit itself to this workflow (the one using progit2-pub), so that when translators would fork it, they would already have the CI and publishing scripts ready for What do you think?

HonkingGoose commented 3 years ago

I like the idea of making a sort of template that others can then use with minimal work! I think using GitHub Actions is easier than Travis CI, as the hosting is on GitHub anyways.

I also like the idea of standardizing the setup accross the organization. This makes it so its easy to debug, because we all use the same stuff.

I'll let @ben chime in with his thoughts. 😄

ben commented 3 years ago

Yup, I'm on board with all of that.

HonkingGoose commented 3 years ago

I've made a new issue where we can track/discuss the idea to "standardize our setup across the organization in some way", see #1691 for that. 😉

Do we want the change in this PR? Or would we rather leave the text as-is?

jnavila commented 3 years ago

I thought that using @ with username was enough to bring up a notification to the designated user.

HonkingGoose commented 3 years ago

I thought that using @ with username was enough to bring up a notification to the designated user.

That only works for issues/pull requests/discussions, so things coming from within GitHub somehow.

Right now we use the @ with username pattern, and that does not turn into a link when you view the file on GitHub:

That's why I want to add an explicit link to your profile on GitHub. 😉