Closed robmarshall closed 5 years ago
I'm curious if someone would need
to be preserved. How would we go about it?
closes #12
It is preserved. Or rather, replaced.
Cheerio decodes the entities into elements, meaning the browser sees the &nsbp; entity as '&nsbp;'. I have just replaced the string with a space in JSX, which is exactly what a &nsbp; is before being decoded.
Make sense?
I finally got to testing this. My concern is that
is not simply a whitespace and replacing it with a whitespace may be an issue for some users. I tried adding decodeEntities: false
to and
were properly processed. Could you confirm if it solves your issue?
It works perfectly on pages that have an
within the content, but pages that don't get an error in the contentParser function.
I wonder if using something like he combined with Cheerio, or in the contentParser would clear this up?
What error? Could you elaborate? No errors for me.
I was trying to work out the solution. A bit confusing.
It seems that when the sourceParser doesnt decode entities, it turns any image strings into objects.
When the contentParser tries to get the the fluidData, it can only get the first curly bracket of the object, as apposed to the whole string.
This then kills the whole process with this error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
An example of the image node being returned correctly:
{"base64":"","aspectRatio":1.3333333333333333,"src":"/static/dc87865f12686f7f0bc7485dcb41096b/a296c/endure-24-1-2.jpg","srcSet":"/static/dc87865f12686f7f0bc7485dcb41096b/0fa0d/endure-24-1-2.jpg 345w,\n/static/dc87865f12686f7f0bc7485dcb41096b/8c996/endure-24-1-2.jpg 690w,\n/static/dc87865f12686f7f0bc7485dcb41096b/a296c/endure-24-1-2.jpg 800w","srcSetType":"image/jpeg","sizes":"(max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px","originalImg":"/static/dc87865f12686f7f0bc7485dcb41096b/a296c/endure-24-1-2.jpg","originalName":"endure-24-1-2.jpg","presentationWidth":800,"presentationHeight":600,"srcSetWebp":"/static/dc87865f12686f7f0bc7485dcb41096b/fdd64/endure-24-1-2.webp 345w,\n/static/dc87865f12686f7f0bc7485dcb41096b/de8ee/endure-24-1-2.webp 690w,\n/static/dc87865f12686f7f0bc7485dcb41096b/0cbce/endure-24-1-2.webp 800w"}
When decoded, it returns this as an object. Which means the code on line 88:
Returns {
I think we need to let the content stay handled by the sourceParser as it currently is.
Maybe run a encode on entities right before the contentParser drops the content into the page?
Thanks for explaining. I'm looking at it.
Not saying this is the final solution, but the example commit above removes any errors and allows correct
I think that is the right direction. But we need to include other entities as well (maybe?)
Ok, my solution is escaping the attribute value there
Could you change that to $(item).attr('data-gts-encfluid', swapVal.encoded.replace(/"/g, '"'));
and see if it helps.
edit: keeping decodeEntities: false
Using he
could be a more comprehensive solution but adding a package just for escaping may be too much.
Nice! Perfect.
This is why I love open source. Didn't thing of that.
Can I ask you to reset your branch and just add the necessary changes because the changed files tab contains package.json
right now (and it wasn't changed). It's confusing.
I prefer this approach
git reset <commit hash>
<-- commit before changes
make changes, commit
force push
Still getting to grips with console git. Give me 5
That should be good...
Perfect. We don't need that commit history that nets zero changes. Only confuses someone who would look into it. Another way of doing this could be squashing commits when merging with other branch.
Due to Cheerio needing the content to be decoded to work its replace magic, I was not able to use the decodeEntities: false flag. I have had to make a slight work around to replace with spaces.
It is a relatively small change, but fixes this issue :)
Cheers, Rob