Closed programaker closed 5 years ago
Current data:
Current behavior:
New ideas:
/* typeclass? object? distributed through app? */
//invasionByIndex: Index => Option[Invasion]
//invasionDefeated: Index => Boolean (move to HumanArmy as a kind of battlefield report)
//allInvasionsDefeated: Boolean (actually will be just a gameProgress match)
//defeatInvasion: Index => GameProgress (move to HumanArmy as: City.Invaded => City.Free)
sealed abstract class GameProgress extends Product with Serializable
object GameProgress {
//invasionByIndex: Index => Option[Invasion] = cities.get(index)
//invasionDefeated: Index => Boolean = false
//allInvasionsDefeated: Boolean = false
//defeatInvasion: Index => GameProgress = GameProgress.InBattle(...)
final case class Start(
mainCharacter: MainCharacter,
cities: Vector[City.Invaded]
) extends GameProgress
//invasionByIndex: Index => Option[Invasion] = cities.get(index)
//invasionDefeated: Index => Boolean = cities.get(index) then match
//allInvasionsDefeated: Boolean = defeatInvasions === cities.size
//defeatInvasion: Index => GameProgress = GameProgress.InBattle(...) | GameProgress.MissionAccomplished
final case class InBattle(
mainCharacter: MainCharacter,
cities: Vector[City], //cities invaded and free mixed
defeatedInvasions: Count
) extends GameProgress
//flag indicating the end of the game
//invasionIsDefeated: Index => Boolean = true
//allInvasionsDefeated: Boolean = true
case object MissionAccomplished extends GameProgress
final case class MainCharacter(
name: Name,
gender: Gender,
age: Age,
experience: Experience
sealed abstract class City extends Product with Serializable
object City {
final case class Free(name: Name, country: Country)
final case class Invaded(city: City.Free, terraformDevice: TerraformDevice)
Ah... another idea! In the last sketch, we have different GameProgresses representing different states. What about moving the behavior to a typeclass?
GameProgress behavior would still be close to the data, but not in the data itself. Also, the typeclass will allow the game steps to deal with the progresses polymorphically
Not necessary; we've chosen to just add a flag defeated
to the Invasion. Also, GameProgress behavior became stand-alone functions in the package game.progress
Writing the tests for the Game Steps that require a GameProgress made me think that this class is not so well designed - for example, Gen[GameProgress] is using GameProgress logic, which means code that need to be tested is being used as input to other tests =/