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Overlapping DOI with licence authors on the Title page #35

Closed mikepapadim closed 3 years ago

mikepapadim commented 3 years ago

I got an issue on the bottom of the title page with the authors and licenses. The authors next to the license span into two lines and the DOI of the \paperdetails overlaps with names.

Is there a way to trim the names of the authors just for the licence placeholder on the title page?

krono commented 3 years ago

(can you please provide a screenshot?)

mikepapadim commented 3 years ago


krono commented 3 years ago


krono commented 3 years ago

I suspect that the auhtors in the running head are equally too wide.

You can use the \authorrunning{...} command to specifiy a short for of the authors.

There is an example in the template file example-programming.tex:

\authorrunning{T. Pape, C. Lopes, R. Hirschfeld} % Optional, for long author lists
mikepapadim commented 3 years ago

Indeed, authors and title in the running head are wide as well. However, both are split into two lines without breaking the text margins.


krono commented 3 years ago

I'm inclined to close this issue then.