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Preparing to become a charity in the UK #1671

Closed drjwbaker closed 4 years ago

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

Back when we started looking into becoming a legal entity (May 2019, after dropping the 'budget line' idea I'd been working on for a year) one of the options initially proposed was becoming a charity.

We didn't do this at the time because we didn't meet to key criteria: 1) we didn't have a firmly agreed charitable purpose, and 2) we were unsure if we'd meet the £5k per year income needed to be a charity in the UK.

Nevertheless our solicitors recommended a structure which could easily be rolled into a charity and to keep reviewing if we need to become a charity, should that time come

Now is the time to start preparing for that time. We have a projected Patreon income of ~£800 per year if nothing changes (it will). We have one IPP member and plans to get more. And we have a business plan predicated on getting more money so that we can support the publications. All this means if we get 3 more sign-ups, we're very close to the threshold of having to become a charity.

On having to:

Usually, you must register with the Charity Commission if your charity is based in England or Wales and has over £5,000 income per year. The commission will take action to secure compliance if it identifies a charity which isn’t registered but should be.

Despite the potential of being forced into it, I see becoming a charity as A Good Thing (for one, we can't accidentally go all commercial and piss off all our nice charitable donors like KU or F1000 have).

The initial actions are:

I can do some of these but - frankly - not all of them, what with managing what we have in the meantime. Does anyone have the capacity to help? I suspect we won't have the act before we hit 12 months of the company (October), but I think it is sensible to prepare.

@acrymble: apologies for not thinking of this in terms of your business plan, it shouldn't fundamentally change it, I hope.

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

I should add, the company remains in place even when we transition to a charity. So none of that work is lost. We are just doing one at a time rather than both simultaneously!

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

Update on 1: I've asked Keith Lawrey at the Foundation of Science and Technology (who generously helped us incorporate) for advice: if anyone will know, Keith will.

acrymble commented 4 years ago

My understanding is that we have the option but not an obligation to become a charity

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

The commission will take action to secure compliance if it identifies a charity which isn’t registered but should be.

When we first incorporated, Keith informed me that they can enforce this on non-profit companies that 'act like' charities. Just now, I've asked his opinion on the likelihood of that. If IPP ramps up, we may need a legal opinion on whether we are sufficiently 'acting like' a charity.

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

Update: I've been advised that the Charity Commission are unlikely to jump on us the moment we cross the financial threshold. Nevertheless, I will book in some time to start some modest planning as being a charity has some knock-on effects that might change our planning (notably, being unable to move 'profits' to members for services rendered without getting the right legal justifications in place).

acrymble commented 4 years ago

That needs a conversation then, because I am motivated in part by wanting to make sure people are paid for their work. Especially people with humanities backgrounds who tend to believe they should give work away for free

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

Agreed. I'll take a look later this week at what changes if we become a charity and report back.

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

(of course, charities can pay people for their work, I think it is just a question of who and how that might conflict with our current set up)

acrymble commented 4 years ago

I believe there are training courses you can take for learning how to manage charities. Maybe we need to think about that. Or some of the team anyway.

acrymble commented 4 years ago

@drjwbaker is there anything here you need help with in order to action this ticket? Or is the scope of the ticket actionable?

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

@acrymble I think we established since I originally posted this, that we have time. On the other actions listed above my thoughts are:

  1. Agree our purposes now so we don't have to rush them later. See This can be more or less the same as the ProgHist Ltd objects (p21 of the bottom pdf).

This is starting to clarify as the Ltd runs (I note your item on team structure in Perhaps we can take some time to consolidate this in the early-Autumn?

  1. Begin identifying potential trustees. See We should do this via email rather than on here

Perhaps Ltd could start this at our next Directors meeting? (starting with the sort of people we want, rather than who)

  1. Begin drafting a governing document. See the model document at

I think this flows from 2., and we have most of what we need in place from incorporation. Taking a first stab at this is a task that someone will need to put their hand up to do a first draft of, perhaps this summer.

acrymble commented 4 years ago

@drjwbaker can you add this to the Ltd meeting agenda then please?

I think we may need to break this into a 'milestone' of several smaller tasks. Otherwise I think this ticket will remain open for a year or more.

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

Agreed. The milestones I envisage are at

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

Update: @acrymble and I discussed this today whilst working through I have taken away an action to break down the concrete steps we need to take, so that we can construct a timeline. I will block out some time for this next week.

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

Our aim to register as a charity in the UK with the Charity Commission once our annual income exceeds £5,000 (which will happen this summer). @acrymble and I have established that we can keep our Company Limited by Guarantee to do this, and then just register with the Charity Commission separately, meaning that existing Ltd Directors will also be Trustees of the Charity (see, for example, Black Cultural Archives at Companies House and at the Charity Commission).

Actions and Timeline


drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

I will action these in the first instance, with support from @acrymble. I've scheduled the work in my diary and will report back as/when.

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

 Draft Charitable Purposes

Per we need 'Charitable Purposes' to register with the (UK) Charity Commission. So I've put a little time into figuring out what this should be.

These should say:

Our current 'object' (the non-profit company equivalent of charitable purposes) in our Articles of Association are:

The object for which the Company is established is to advance the education of the public in the humanities in particular in the use of digital tools and techniques and to promote research for the public benefit in all aspects of that subject and to publish the useful results.

This seems to meet the criteria:

Looking at examples I see that Girlings - our lawyers during incorporation - have already based our objects on language at (see last example), which is good, given that they said they'd written our Articles of Association in such a way that we could easily slide over into being a charity!

Anyway, result of all of this is that I propose only a light rewording for the charitable purposes:

To advance the education of the public in the humanities in particular in the use of digital tools and techniques and to promote research for the public benefit in all aspects of that subject and to publish the useful results.

Note: the objects of the Ltd remain as the Ltd will underpin the charity (that is how things are structured in the UK)

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

Just documenting here that I'm a little confused.

Looking at the guidance, I know what we want to be (a charity company) and what we need (memorandum and articles of association), but I don't know if we need to change our articles of association for the Ltd or write new articles of association for the charity only. If we do, I think we need to notify Companies House

I'm going to ask for a little help from the person who helped us incorporate.

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

Update. Keith was extraordinarily helpful.

In short, as we want to register as a Charitable Company (Limited by Guarantee) we don't need to amend our Articles of Association, so long as the purposes are charitable, which I believe they are.

Instead, we just register with our documents submitted to Companies House. If the Charity Commission don't like our purposes, we agree new ones with the CC, then change the Articles at Companies House, then upload the docs to CC.

So we can skip some steps and move straight to Declaration Forms and registering!

acrymble commented 4 years ago

At @drjwbaker 's request I'm asking our board members to sign the relevant paperwork. Using this to keep track of progress as we all have to sign the same file:

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

@acrymble: I've worked through most of this today. Still a couple of bits remaining. Might you have time later in the week to look at the application to check that you are happy it is a fair representation of PH?

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago



The registration division Is currently experiencing exceptionally high volumes of work And we aim to be in touch with your nominated contact for the application within 40 working days (8 weeks).

@amsichani @svmelton @acrymble @spapastamkou @rivaquiroga You should receive a copy of the application via email. Thanks for your help putting it together.

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

Application added to private archive

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

Our charity application was rejected as our submission had some problems (as opposed to us being rejected for not being a charity). Full details in the shared gmail. The main pieces of work are:

In short, I think we are charitable and we still have an obligation to register ("You must apply to register your charity if its income is at least £5,000 per year") but that we probably need some expert advice to help us rework what we have, especially on 3 and 4.

My focus this month is on getting the annual accounts sorted so I might have to put this on the back burner for now.

Thanks all for your efforts so far.

drjwbaker commented 3 years ago

Note, I'm picking this up with our accountants West & Berry, and will resume work on this in February (at which point I'll reopen the ticket)

drjwbaker commented 3 years ago

A revised application has now been submitted. We can expect an answer in 2/3 months. If any small issues arise, West & Berry will handle/triage them.

drjwbaker commented 3 years ago

Note that application came back positive, but with some queries. These were resolved by me, with support of Ltd Directors and West & Berry.