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PT technical onboarding #1802

Closed mdlincoln closed 3 years ago

mdlincoln commented 4 years ago

This is a tracking ticket for technical tasks related to starting the PT team.

acrymble commented 4 years ago

In case it helps the brand guidelines on the wiki give the logo fonts ( I believe I used a colour-palatte generater in the past to get colours that worked well together, but I can't remember which one.

amsichani commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this @mdlincoln! I think its handy to have the technical tasks related to start a new language publication as a distinct wiki page -- we will link to this tutorial from the main wiki page .

JoshuaGOB commented 4 years ago

Thank you @mdlincoln I really needed to see this and the technical tutorial to get a sense of what was going on behind the scenes.

jenniferisasi commented 4 years ago

@ZoeLeBlanc I think Matt missed a step in this guide. We have to manually add the chunk about the editorial team in Portuguese in this loop right?

acrymble commented 4 years ago

Yes @jenniferisasi that can just be cut and pasted and amended in place.

walshbr commented 4 years ago

I added that to the wiki template for this issue @jenniferisasi and updated Matt's checklist above.

acrymble commented 4 years ago

@ZoeLeBlanc I most recently worked on the /project-team page so I think I can do the changes to add the Portuguese team without screwing anything up. Would you like me to do that or will that get in the way of your processes? We already have Daniel in there so there is content that would and should appear.

ZoeLeBlanc commented 4 years ago

Go ahead and make the changes to project-team page @acrymble and I'll take a look at what's left to be done once you do your PR. Thanks!

Seems like it's just the full-text and making pages public though according to the to-do list, which should be easy.

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

Per we need to ask our DOI provider if they are happy to provide DOIs for a new publication, in this case the PT edition.

Has this happened? If not, two actions:

DanielAlvesLABDH commented 4 years ago

@drjwbaker we are still in the process of translating the platform to Portuguese. I guess the DOI will apply only to the lessons, correct?

walshbr commented 4 years ago

@drjwbaker I can add that to the Wiki checklist, but I don't exactly know what the language would entail. As far as I know that hasn't happened. Something like…

"Get @drjwbaker to check with the DOI provider that they are happy provide DOIs for a new publication." Or is that meant to be @ZoeLeBlanc as technical lead? And what happens if they say no? Could you offer some language for what that checklist item should be? I haven't been involved with the DOI process so I wouldn't know what needs to happen at that stage.

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

That is fine. I have at the relationship. Though technically, I'm working on behalf of the Ltd (DOIs is a service the Ltd provides to the publications

If they say no, the new publication runs without DOIs until the Ltd finds a solution.

walshbr commented 4 years ago

Cool. Added it to the wiki @drjwbaker

drjwbaker commented 4 years ago

@drjwbaker we are still in the process of translating the platform to Portuguese. I guess the DOI will apply only to the lessons, correct?

@DanielAlvesLABDH Correct. Perhaps once we have an ISSN for the PT publication ( contact me and I will speak to our DOI provider?

DanielAlvesLABDH commented 4 years ago

Will do that @drjwbaker

ZoeLeBlanc commented 4 years ago

Full text search stemming is now live. Nothing to see until we make the pages public, which I think is waiting on more translations and merging of ph_authors.yml

JoshuaGOB commented 3 years ago

@drjwbaker we are still in the process of translating the platform to Portuguese. I guess the DOI will apply only to the lessons, correct?

@DanielAlvesLABDH Correct. Perhaps once we have an ISSN for the PT publication (8a7b7fe#commitcomment-42033910) contact me and I will speak to our DOI provider?

Hi @drjwbaker This has come up again and I think the question is about when the DOI request should happen. Would this be once we have a firm deadline for publication or after a set of lessons are in review? Are there any other factors?

drjwbaker commented 3 years ago

I think there are 2 parts to this:

1) I need to ask our DOI provider if they are happy to supply a new set of DOIs 2) If yes, we need to create a new xml template for the PT publication and ensure that part of the process (as well as is understood by the PT team

I can do 1) before we have a PT ISSN, or I can wait until that is completed. Either way, I don't think we can start minting DOIs until we have the PT ISSN.

So do you want me to do 1) now, or wait for the ISSN?

drjwbaker commented 3 years ago

Update: our DOI provider is happy to support the PT publication and have been in correspondence over practicalities. Particular thanks to our alumni tech lead @mdlincoln for chipping in when cc'd by our DOI provider (not realising he had moved on). This is now with @ZoeLeBlanc to implement.

DanielAlvesLABDH commented 3 years ago

This is great. Many thanks!

drjwbaker commented 3 years ago

(note, I've archived the correspondence and added it to the DOI folder on the private repo

DanielAlvesLABDH commented 3 years ago

Update: our DOI provider is happy to support the PT publication and have been in correspondence over practicalities. Particular thanks to our alumni tech lead @mdlincoln for chipping in when cc'd by our DOI provider (not realising he had moved on). This is now with @ZoeLeBlanc to implement.

Hi @drjwbaker and @JoshuaGOB , wishing you a Great New Year! Getting back to this issue since we are closing our first lesson (translated) during this week, and we are ready to put the PT version online. Also catching up from the email "ISSN form for PT team". Do you need any information from our side? Do I need to do anything? Thanks in advance!

drjwbaker commented 3 years ago

Happy new year to you as well. I've replied to the email thread on the ISSN. I think it is ready to go with the changes I suggested 17 December.

drjwbaker commented 3 years ago

Then @ZoeLeBlanc needs to work on the mechanism for the PT team to request DOIs.

drjwbaker commented 3 years ago

Then @ZoeLeBlanc needs to work on the mechanism for the PT team to request DOIs.

Is anyone on @programminghistorian/technical-team working on this?

ZoeLeBlanc commented 3 years ago

I'll tackle it this weekend @drjwbaker just had a few deadlines the last few weeks that had to take priority!

drjwbaker commented 3 years ago

Thanks for letting us know @ZoeLeBlanc. I just wasn't sure if it had been picked up. And please don't work over the weekend for my benefit! (though I do appreciate that the team work on PH things at times that suit them).

ZoeLeBlanc commented 3 years ago

Just heard from Tim at Sussex and he wants that crossref.xml to be live on the site prior to requesting DOIs. He writes that the workflow is after having that xml file:

So in terms of the workflow, when you have a new lesson that requires a DOI, let me know at, ccing and

I will then let you know the new DOI number - you complete the XML process as outlined above - let me know when the lesson is live - I register the DOI with CrossRef - I let you know when live

So reading this it seems like we need the PT lesson to be live before I can request a DOI.

walshbr commented 3 years ago

If that's the case we'll need to update the guidelines and wiki I think @ZoeLeBlanc.

ZoeLeBlanc commented 3 years ago

So I spoke too soon about going live... looking at the build fail for PR #1991 and it looks like there's a lot of small syntax issues that is breaking the PT site.

Should I go ahead and fix those or should it be something the PT team handles? Happy to go ahead and do it since it's a lot of small errors but will definitely want their review to make sure I don't add any spelling errors

rivaquiroga commented 3 years ago

The workflow Tim describes is the one we've been using, and is the one described here: The DOI is registered after the crossref.xml is live, but the first thing is to make the request. So I'm not sure if we need to update the guidelines/wiki. We've been using them in the past few months without any issue.

walshbr commented 3 years ago

I was supposed to be the one dealing with PT @ZoeLeBlanc, and I'm happy to do that unless you wanted to take them. Lmk what you think. We can also split them up if there are a ton.

walshbr commented 3 years ago

Complete! New tickets are open for the odds and ends.