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Getting PH listed in resources databases #2682

Closed GeeAlmeida closed 1 year ago

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

Hi everyone @programminghistorian/project-team!

Today I started to identify DH resource databases and email them asking if they would like to list our awesome and incredibly resourceful website in their pages. The ones I already identified and contacted are the MIT and the dhcenter.

Please let me know of other similar DH resource lists you are aware of, and I will nudge them as well.

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

Already listed:


GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

Wrote to: MIT Bodleian (Oxford)

acrymble commented 1 year ago

@GeeAlmeida does this have an end goal for us to be able to close the ticket? It feels like there may not be an end to possible repositories

I think the reason you may not be getting suggestions is that most of us don't use these in our own work.

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

Hi Adam @acrymble I intend to use this ticket to keep track of the repositories I identify and communicate with.

nivaca commented 1 year ago

I have requested that the four editions of PH be added to

anisa-hawes commented 1 year ago

Maybe this would be another resource list worth being on?:

anisa-hawes commented 1 year ago

Another idea is to re-investigate

Adam shared this resource link with me a few month's before you joined us, and I found that we don't (at the moment) meet one of their criteria: Must be a complete textbook available as a complete portable file (e.g. PDF, EPUB).

I know this is something that has been discussed within the Project Team in the past and decided against. But it is something I've been thinking about in relation to users’ needs, e.g., to be able to download and save our lessons to read offline. I wonder whether we could consider packaging the past ‘volumes’ of our journals as PDFs? (a volume = lessons published by each journal during one year)

acrymble commented 1 year ago

We've just had these recommended at work:

OpenStax •Open Textbook Library •Pressbooks Directory •Directory of Open Access Books •OER Commons

I haven't looked into them.

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

I have now contacted openstax, asking if they would like to list our materials among their resources. They replied, pointing me towards their partnership webpage:

The next application period will open again mid December through mid January.

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

Maybe this would be another resource list worth being on?:

Definitely, plus they are an IPP! I have written to our contact at the Digital Humanities Lab Denmark.

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

I have requested that the four editions of PH be added to

@nivaca did you get a reply?

nivaca commented 1 year ago

@nivaca did you get a reply? @GeeAlmeida, unfortunately not. But the request to include our four editions is still ongoing, so it seems.

spapastamkou commented 1 year ago

Antonio Rojas Castro and then I had registered PH ES and FR in OER commons (and perhaps EN as well or it was already there). Please check again however.

spapastamkou commented 1 year ago

after verification, it was actually the global PH I myself had registered on OER commons. So for this registry, mentioned by Adam, the FR and PT editions are not in yet. @GeeAlmeida

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this Sofia! @spapastamkou

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

H ES and FR in O

Spanish and English were listed in OER. French and Portuguese were not.

I submitted them to the OER today. Let's see if they will list this time.

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

I've asked UCLA's digital humanities program today:

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

H ES and FR in O

Spanish and English were listed in OER. French and Portuguese were not.

I submitted them to the OER today. Let's see if they will list this time.

I've received a confirmation that French is now listed. No word on the Portuguese though.

spapastamkou commented 1 year ago

thanks @GeeAlmeida !

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

Requested insertion here:

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

Checked and we are in EBSCO (US database)

DanielAlvesLABDH commented 1 year ago

Hi @GeeAlmeida , do I need to do anything about this? And this?

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

Hi @GeeAlmeida , do I need to do anything about this? And this?

Hi @DanielAlvesLABDH no, I don't think so. I have requested insertion to the second link. When I get a chance I will ask in the first link. Thank you!

acrymble commented 1 year ago

@GeeAlmeida you could productively use these opportunities to tell them about IPP. Most of these resources you're finding seem to be individual universities.

anisa-hawes commented 1 year ago

I came across last week, which I understand is the closest equivalent to Jisc in The Netherlands. Might be worth looking into too?

Perhaps worth cross-referencing #2535 here in case they offer Subscription Management as well as resource listings?

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

from issue #2535:

Resource lists to try to get into: Email: Email:

em Portugues needs to be added to:

Looked at:

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

Wrote to: MIT Bodleian (Oxford)

Nothink has come out of my attempts - checked today and they did not list PH.

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

Maybe this would be another resource list worth being on?:

Definitely, plus they are an IPP! I have written to our contact at the Digital Humanities Lab Denmark.

I have written to them today requesting insertion

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

Let's see if they will list this time.

No reply and no insertion either

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

@nivaca did you get a reply? @GeeAlmeida, unfortunately not. But the request to include our four editions is still ongoing, so it seems.

@nivaca Do you think it's time to reapply, or should I give them more time?

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

Are you familiar with OpenStax? They have an open call for applications, but I am not sure if this is for us?

Here are some of the questions in their form that I don't know to answer: What are our goals over the next 18 months, What is our stance on OER and why are we interested in partnering with OpenStax? What is the greatest advantage a partnership with OpenStax could offer our business?

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

There is something called The Open Library of Humanities, an initiative from Birkbeck (University of London). Two DH journals are listed: Digital Studies / Le champ numérique and Digital Medievalist. If PH wants to be included, the form needs to be filled out by the editors.

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

A note on Google Scholar: I have been unable to use their form to request inclusion in the GS index. Can someone with more technical knowledge give it a go and report back here? @programminghistorian/technical-team

Here is their information on what we need to do:

This and this are the best resources I found about getting indexed by GS.

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

H ES and FR in O

Spanish and English were listed in OER. French and Portuguese were not.

I submitted them to the OER today. Let's see if they will list this time.

04/01/23 An update: French is now included. No sign of Portuguese. Might need to ask for the inclusion of Portuguese again.

GeeAlmeida commented 1 year ago

I made a request to the Library of Congress (U.S.) and it looks like they will include our journals in their Electronic Resources Online Catalog. I'll update here with a link when I receive the confirmation.