programminghistorian / jekyll

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Collating recent research activities and outputs for the en/research, es/investigacion, fr/recherche and pt/pesquisa pages #2965

Closed anisa-hawes closed 1 year ago

anisa-hawes commented 1 year ago

Hello all

Have you been involved in any recent research activities that connect to your work with the Programming Historian?

I'm preparing an update of the en/research, es/investigacion, fr/recherche and pt/pesquisa pages of our website, and would be keen to hear about any recent articles / chapters / reports / workshops / posters / papers.

Please write a comment here, ideally including:

And I'll prepare an update (regular, future updates to follow).

anisa-hawes commented 1 year ago


Maria José Afanador-Llach y Andrés Rivera. Informe final 'Segundo ciclo de talleres: Herramientas y procesos digitales para la investigación y creación en artes y humanidades', (2023)

*Maria José sent me a PDF, which I'll upload to /researchpapers as part of this update.

anisa-hawes commented 1 year ago

James Baker and Paola Marchionni. Podcast: 'Research Talk: Skills for artificial intelligence', Jisc, (June 2023)

anisa-hawes commented 1 year ago

Hello @programminghistorian/english-team, @programminghistorian/spanish-team, @programminghistorian/french-team, and @programminghistorian/portuguese-team.

For some reason, I don't think the team 'mentions' in my previous comment worked as they usually do. I wanted to ask:

Have you been involved in any recent research activities that connect to your work with the Programming Historian?

DanielAlvesLABDH commented 1 year ago

Sorry for not responding sooner @anisa-hawes. I have presented in the III Congresso Internacional em Humanidades Digitais (HDRio2023) with Daniel Bonatto Sêco, the talk “Uma ferramenta para o ensino de metodologias digitais: o Programming Historian em português”, in UniRio, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, April 17th, 2023. I also gave an invited lecture called “Parcerias entre História e Computação: o caso do Programming Historian em português”, at the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão, Brasil, May 4th, 2023.

anisa-hawes commented 1 year ago

Jennifer Isasi. 'De leer novelas a modelar datos sobre productos culturales: Trayectorias varias por las Humanidades Digitales', V Conferencia Internacional de la Asociación Argentina de Humanidades Digitales, Füskü Menuko, Río Negro, Argentina (17-18 Noviembre 2022).