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Collating recent research activities and outputs for the en/research, es/investigacion, fr/recherche and pt/pesquisa pages #3225

Closed charlottejmc closed 5 months ago

charlottejmc commented 5 months ago

Hello all,

@programminghistorian/english-team @programminghistorian/spanish-team @programminghistorian/french-team @programminghistorian/portuguese-team

Have you done research that connects to your work with Programming Historian recently?

I'm preparing an update of the en/research, es/investigacion, fr/recherche and pt/pesquisa pages of our website, and would be keen to hear about any recent articles / chapters / reports / posters / papers.

Please write a comment here, ideally including:

Name(s) Title of your article / chapter / report / workshop / poster / paper Organising institution or group Location, date Link (if applicable) I'll prepare an update.

Thank you! ✨

charlottejmc commented 5 months ago

Workshops & events:

Posters, Conference Papers, & Invited Talks:

joanacvp commented 5 months ago


Thank you!

charlottejmc commented 5 months ago

Hi @joanacvp,

Thank you! Which heading would you like to see this go under?

joanacvp commented 5 months ago

Hi @charlottejmc

Probably on "Pósteres, Artigos em conferências & Palestras convidadas" - it is considered a "Palestra convidada" (invited speaker).

Thank you!