Closed programnoir closed 5 years ago
I will establish a current common style:
Classes and IDs are to be renamed using hyphen-case, to distinguish them from code entities. These class names should feel similar to the variable names in the JavaScript itself, and their names should reflect their tag name, location, and purpose. The general hierarchy goes like this:
I'm going to go in order of the files as they are linearly called.
The next post will list all the names, first, then do replacements.
I'll begin with index.php and with class/ID names, which are given descriptive hyphen-case names.
Line No. | Type | Original Name(s) | Replacement Name(s) |
1 | Class | default, larger, largest | setting-font-default, setting-font-larger, setting-font-largest |
19 | Class | dark, bright | setting-theme-dark, setting-theme-bright |
20 | ID | marker | setting-unfolding-marker |
20 | Class | unfolded | setting-content-unfolded |
21 | ID | nav-button | wrapper-button-menu-closed |
22 | ID | button-nav-main | button-main-menu |
23 | Class | menu-icon | icon-main-menu |
34 | ID | search | line-input-search |
36 | ID | global-title | text-site-title |
39 | ID | draw-dark | background-black-alpha |
41 | ID | nav-main | wrapper-main-menu |
42 | ID | nav-button-open | wrapper-button-menu-open |
45 | ID | button-settings-accessibility | (keep) |
48 | Class | icon-external-link | (keep) |
50 | Class | submenu-li | wrapper-submenu-parent |
51 | ID | button-ul-programming | button-submenu-programming (etc) |
51 | Class | button-submenu and red | button-toggle-submenu and red |
52 | ID | ul-programming | submenu-programming |
Things mainly repeat in a similar scheme for the menu until line 154
Line No. | Type | Original Name(s) | Replacement Name(s) |
156 | ID | access-controls | wrapper-settings-accessibility |
157 | ID | ac-title | text-accessibility-settings-title |
158 | ID | ac-desc | text-accessibility-settings-description |
164 | ID | theme-choice | setting-theme |
171 | ID | font-size | setting-font-size |
178 | ID | show-content | setting-content-unfold |
181 | ID | save-exit | wrapper-accessibility-save-exit |
182 | ID | buttonAccessSave | button-settings-accessibility-save |
183 | ID | buttonAccessExit | button-settings-accessibility-close |
187 | ID | gen-code | wrapper-code-generator |
188 | ID | gen-title | text-code-generator-title |
188 | Class | gen-group | group-focusable-code-generator |
189 | ID | gen-desc | text-code-generator-description |
190 | Class | col-left | wrapper-layout-half-left |
194 | ID | section | parameter-select-section |
194 | Class | select and gen-group | form-select-code-generator |
198 | ID | tagSelect | parameter-select-tag |
221 | ID | url | parameter-resource-url |
221 | Class | in and gen-group | form-line-input-code-generator |
225 | ID | summary | parameter-resource-summary |
225 | Class | in and gen-group | (defined above) |
229 | ID | details | parameter-resource-details |
229 | Class | in and gen-group | (defined above) |
236 | ID | out | text-output-code-generator |
236 | Class | gen-group | (defined above) |
239 | ID | copy | button-code-generator-copy-output |
239 | Class | gen-group | (defined above) |
240 | ID | close-gen-code | button-code-generator-close |
240 | Class | gen-group | (defined above) |
245 | ID | main-wrapper | wrapper-main-site-content |
246 | ID | main-content | wrapper-resource-content |
247 | ID | welcome | wrapper-home-page-content |
251 | ID | recommended | text-recommended-topics |
268 | ID | loading-bar | dynamic-loading-bar |
268 | class | done | loading-complete |
269 | ID | button-generate-code | button-code-generator |
Original Name(s) | Replacement Name(s) |
topic | (keep) |
show (topic) | (deprecated) |
hidden (topic) | (deprecated) |
xc | chapter |
bc | button-chapter-name |
lc | resource |
desc | resource-details |
hidden (#"wrapper-home-page-content ) |
state-hidden |
config (#background-black-alpha ) |
state-accessibility-settings |
gen (#background-black-alpha ) |
state-code-generator |
open (multiple nodes) | state-open |
and the first and last characters in them./>
) are used whenever appropriate.Okay, now for style.css
rules for sizes only.html.example:not( .contents ),
header[ role="banner" ]
property: value;
operator.The remaining files are all JavaScript. So their style guides should go here.
Variables are descriptively named using camelCase. Because JavaScript is dynamically typed, I'll preface the variable name with a letter indicating the data type. The exception to this rule would be a variable intended for iteration.
Letter | Data/Information type |
a | Array |
b | Boolean |
d | TaffyDB Database |
f | Function |
h | HTML/DOM object |
i | Interval |
k | Keys checked for input. |
n | Numeric |
o | Object (generic) |
s | String |
t | TaffyDB entry |
Functions will get a multi-line comment describing their intended purpose above its declaration.
File | Name | Replacement |
section-toggle.js | keyConfirm | kConfirm |
... | group_class_chapter | aByClassChapter |
... | setText | fSetNewARIALabel |
... | elem | hRelabeledElement |
... | lc | hElement |
... | txt | sNewARIALabel |
... | toggleLC | fToggleFoldingTopicChapterResource |
... | node_current | sNodeTagName |
... | handleKeyUpLC | fHandleKeyUpResource |
... | handleClickLC | fHandleClickResource |
... | isTriggerchapter | fWrapperToggleChapter |
... | me | hTargetChapter |
... | group_sliced_chapters | aSlicedChapters |
... | handleClickchapter | fHandleClickChapter |
... | handleKeyUpChapter | fHandleKeyUpChapter |
... | handleClickBC | fHandleClickChapterButton |
File | Name | Replacement |
db-init.js | db | dLinks |
... | db_topics | dTopics |
... | topic_id | sTopicID |
... | topic | sTopic |
... | topic_array | aChapters |
... | section | sSection |
... | tagName | sTag |
... | tagColor | sTagColor |
... | url | sURL |
... | summary | sSummary |
... | details | sDetails |
File | Name | Replacement |
db-populate.js | refs | dResourceStack |
... | total_tasks | nTotalTasks |
... | bar_width | nBarWidthPercentage |
... | current | nCurrentTask |
... | interrupt_flag | bInterrupt |
... | removeElement | fRemoveElement |
... | node | hElement |
... | range | hRange |
... | pN | hParentElement |
... | clearRefs | fClearDResourceStack |
... | addNewModule | fAddNewResource |
... | d | hDiv |
... | tg | hTag |
... | aa | hLink |
... | dp | hDetails |
... | first_result | oResource |
... | addNewchapter | fCreateNewChapter |
... | buttonText | sChapterName |
... | import_id | sChapterID |
... | chapter | hDiv |
... | b | hButton |
... | s | hSection |
... | addNewchapterFromMenuClick | fAddChapterFromMenu |
... | import_d | hTopic |
... | import_i | nChapterArrayIndex |
... | import_terms | aChapters |
... | idT | sChapterID |
... | bText | sChapterName |
... | chapterNode | hChapter |
... | addNewTopic | fCreateAndAddNewTopic |
... | node_id | sTopicID |
... | node_text | sTopicName |
... | d | hDiv |
... | dh2 | hH2 |
... | increaseLoadingBar | fUpdateLoadingBar |
... | loading_bar | hLoadingBar |
... | doHeavyTask | fStartAsyncTask |
... | params | oParameters |
... | totalMillisAllotted | nMillisecondsAllotted |
... | totalTasks | nTasksAllotted |
... | tasksPerTick | nTasksPerTick |
... | tasksCompleted | nCompletedTasks |
... | totalTicks | nTotalTicks |
... | interval | iCurrentAsyncTask |
... | loading_bar | hLoadingBar |
... | doTick | fTickTask |
... | totalByEndOfTick | nCompletedTasksByTickEnd |
... | task | fTask |
... | taskUponCompletion | fUponAsyncTaskCompletion |
... | removeTopicNodes | fRemoveTopicNodes |
... | openedElements | aTopics |
... | i_r | nTopicsIndex |
... | removeResourceNodes | fRemoveResourceNodes |
... | openedElements | aResources |
... | i_r | nResourcesIndex |
... | addModuleToRef | fCopyRecordToStack |
... | i_record | aRecord |
... | populateRefsWithResourcesBySection | fPopulateStackBySection |
... | terms | aSectionNames |
... | i | nSectionArrayIndex |
... | populateRefsWithResourcesBySearch | fPopulateStackBySearch |
... | s | sSearch |
... | addAllEventListeners | fAddAllEventListeners |
... | group_class_chapter | aByClassChapter |
... | j | nChapterIndex |
... | group_class_bc | aByClassChapterButtonName |
... | j | nButtonIndex |
... | getListOfSections | fGetChapterArray |
... | node_selected | sQueriedTopicID |
... | populateResourcesIntoTopic | fPopulateTopicWithStack |
... | node_selected | sQueriedTopicID |
... | terms | aChaptersFromQuery |
... | populateTopicsBySection | fPopulateTopicsViaSection |
... | node_selected | sQueriedTopicID |
... | i | nChaptersQueryIndex |
... | h2Text | sTopicName |
... | d | hTopic |
... | prepareTopicBySearch | fPrepareTopicViaSearch |
... | populateTopicsBySearch | fPopulateTopicsViaSearch |
... | k | nSectionIndex |
... | i_tIndex | nTopicsIndex |
... | i_a_sections | aSections |
... | i_a_topics | aTopics |
... | _k | nSectionIndexValue |
... | text_button | sChapterName |
... | sec | sCurrentSection |
... | topic_selected | oSelectedTopic |
... | z | nChaptersIndex |
... | flagMadeTopicAlready | bAlreadyMadeTopic |
... | l | nAlreadyTopicsIndex |
... | _t | nTopicsIndexValue |
... | eraseEventListeners | fEraseEventListeners |
... | group_class_topic | aByClassTopic |
... | j | nTopicIndex |
... | populateByMenuClick | fPopulateViaMenu |
Now for awesome-menu.js
Old Name | Replacement Name |
MS | oAwesomeMenu |
App | fMenuApplication |
isFirefox | bIsFirefox |
lastFocused | hLastFocusedID |
flagDialogAccess | bAccessibilityDialogOpen |
keysMenu | kMenuShortcut |
keysScroll | kScroll |
keysMouse | kMouse |
buttonNavMain | hMainMenuButton |
navMain | hMainMenuWrapper |
buttonsSubmenu | aByClassButtonToggleSubmenu |
mainWrap | (not used; deprecated) |
drawDark | hBlackBackground |
buttonAccess | hAccessibilityDialogButton |
dialogAccess | hAccessibilityDialog |
set_cookie | fSetCookie |
theme_value | sTheme |
font_value | sFontSize |
show_content_value | sUnfoldContent |
lifespan_in_days | nLifespanDays |
valid_domain | sValidDomain |
domain_string | sDomain |
get_cookie | fGetCookie |
cookie_name | sCookieName |
cookie_string | sCookie |
cookie_array | aCookie |
i | nCookieIndex |
cookie_value | aCookieValue |
setSiteSettings | fApplySettings |
theme | sSettingTheme |
fontsize | sSettingFontSize |
showcontent | sSettingShowContent |
focusDelay | fDelayFocusOnElement |
me | hElement |
preventDefault | (keep) |
e | hEvent |
preventDefaultForScrollKeys | fPreventScrollKeys |
enableScroll | fEnableScroll |
disableScroll | fDisableScroll |
enableAccess | fTabScreenReaderOn |
this_tag | hElement |
disableAccess | fTabScreenReaderOff |
enableSubmenuAccess | fSubmenuTabScreenOn |
i | nSubmenuChildrenIndex |
disableSubmenuAccess | fSubmenuTabScreenOff |
enableAllAccess | fAllTabScreenOn |
listChildren | aMainMenuChildren |
i | nMenuChildrenIndex |
childButton | hButton |
sibUL | hSiblingList |
disableAllAccess | fAllTabScreenOff |
moveButtonIn | fMoveMenuButtonToOpen |
moveButtonOut | fMoveMenuButtonToClosed |
openhMainMenuWrapper | fOpenMainMenu |
closehMainMenuWrapper | fCloseMainMenu |
openedElements | aSlicedMenuOpenChildren |
i | hMenuOpenChild |
isDescendent | fIsDescendent |
parent | hParent |
child | hChild |
node | hNode |
isNavFocused | fIsNavFocused |
retrieveText | fRetrieveText |
elem | hElement |
openSubmenu | fOpenSubmenu |
submenu | hSubmenu |
toFocus | hFirstSubmenuItem |
closeSubmenu | fCloseSubmenu |
closeAllSubmenus | fCloseAllSubmenus |
submenuButtons | aSlicedSubmenuButtons |
i | hSubmenuButton |
toggleSubmenu | fToggleSubmenu |
evtClickButtonSubmenu | fEventClickSubmenu |
evtClickhMainMenuButton | fEventClickMainMenuButton |
closehAccessibilityDialog | fCloseAccessibilityDialog |
buttonshAccessibilityDialog | aByTagNameButton |
selectshAccessibilityDialog | aByTagNameSelect |
i | hButtonArrayIndex |
i | hSelectArrayIndex |
evtKeyUpGlobal | fEventKeyUpGlobal |
ae | sActiveNodeName |
evtBlurLastNav | fEventBlurLastMenuItem |
lastNav | hLastMenuItem |
evtBlurAccessExit | fEventBlurAccessibility |
evtClickDarkDraw | fEventClickBlackBackground |
evtClickhAccessibilityDialogButton | fEventClickAccessibilityDialogButton |
evtClickButtonSave | fEventClickAccessibilitySaveButton |
z | hUnfoldCheckbox |
options | aOptions |
evtKeyButton | fEventKeyDownOnButton |
handleMenuClick | fHandleMenuClick |
this_timer | iTimer |
targ | hTopic |
initApp | fInitApplication |
submenuButtons | aSlicedSubmenuButtons |
i | hSubmenuButton |
navLast | hLastMenuItem |
allElems | aByTagNameButton |
j | nButtonIndex |
menuItems | aMenuAnchors |
i | nMenuAnchorIndex |
i | nRecommendedIndex |
Original Name | Replacement Name |
App2 | fCodeGeneratorApplication |
dialogGenCode | hCodeGeneratorWrapper |
populateSections | fPopulateSectionParameter (total rewrite) |
secSel | hSelectSection |
convertIO | fCreateCodeString (mostly a rewrite) |
str | sCode |
tag | aTagValues |
updateOutput | fUpdateOutputText |
exitGenCode | fCloseCodeGenerator |
AllButtons | aByClassFocusableFields |
i | nFocusableFieldsIndex |
evtBlurCodeGenExit | fEventBlueCodeGenerator |
assignEventListeners | fApplyEventListeners |
inp | aByClassLineInput |
i | nLineInputsIndex |
i | nSelectsIndex |
cB | hCopyButton |
Name | Replacement |
input_search | hSearch |
node_saved_section | sSavedChapter |
string_search | sSearchQuery |
timer | iSearchTimer |
beginNewSearch | fNewSearch |
array_of_sections | aDistinctQueriedChapters |
array_of_topics | aQuerysTopics |
topic_index | nQuerysTopicsIndex |
k | nSectionIndexValue |
o_kt | oSectionsTopicsIndices |
revertState | fHandleSearchEmpty |
handleSearchInput | fHandleSearchInput |
value_input_search | sSearchValue |
No need for this now that #6 has been merged.
So, I think it might be obvious to anyone reading the code that I have been coding by myself and have not been the most consistent about code structure. I'm taking suggestions on how to properly format the involved code.