progressivetech / net.ourpowerbase.qrcodecheckin

QRCode Checkin allows you to send an email that contains a scanable code to the registered participants for your event.
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Browser Issues #32

Closed yorkshirerose closed 1 year ago

yorkshirerose commented 1 year ago

We have an event next week and we've just been testing but the QR fails in half of the browsers we tested:

When it doesn't work, it behaves as though the user is not logged, even though we have logged in on another tab (so it treats the different tabs completely separately. For example, when I was using Edge, I logged in and then scanned the QR code - didn't work. Then I copied and pasted the URL into the same tab where I had logged in, and it did work.

I don't know if this is a browser setting that we can change? Or there's a browser on Android that we will reliably work?

yorkshirerose commented 1 year ago

I've solved it - when we opened the URL in our phones, we just typed domain and it defaults to opening it with http (without the s), but the link comes through as https and it treats it as a separate site.

I'm just going to leave this here in case anyone else has the same problem!

jmcclelland commented 1 year ago

Ah - great, glad you worked it out and thanks for posting the reason! I'm sure others who have the same problem will appreciate it.

You may want to check with your web site host - most web sites always automatically redirect from http to https - that way you are never accessing your site over http.