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SetDuration Can not set duration for amination #232

Open BrianWantstoplay opened 7 months ago

BrianWantstoplay commented 7 months ago

Hi there,

I am wondering where is the SetDuration method for Animation in quartzcore pkg. I can only find two SetDuration functions in MediaTimingObject and PMediaTiming but none in animation related parts.

I also find the SetFadeInDuration and SetFadeOutDuration, but they are not recognized after being built. Facing error like below:

clash_core[43244:2173203] -[CABasicAnimation setFadeInDuration:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6000002785e0

It would be very kind of you if you can answer me at your convenience. And IF POSSIBLE, I really need an example to learn how to write some animations by your package. I can hardly find some related materials online.

Many thanks!