progrium / localtunnel

Expose localhost servers to the Internet
MIT License
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Multiple Hosts on a Single Port #67

Open jaymiejones86 opened 11 years ago

jaymiejones86 commented 11 years ago

Not sure if this has been discussed, but it would be nice if I could specify which host is used.

For example, say I am running MAMP which has 10 hosts running on port 80. I can use localtunnel with port 80 but I want to limit it to 1 particular domain that is running on port 80.

So I could theoretically go localtunnel 80 ~/Sites/somesite This would then create a for somesite

Hopefully this is not a duplicate issue, but I could not find any previous issues that relate to this.

Also, should I be using the pip version and not the gem version from now on?

progrium commented 11 years ago

The gem version will be deprecated soon. There are completely different versions. The pip version is actively maintained.

I changed the title to a more useful todo item. It's possible, but is a new feature.

abachuk commented 11 years ago

it would be very useful. Is this feature planned to be implemented ?

progrium commented 11 years ago

I don't see why not. I can't say when, though.