progval / Limnoria

A robust, full-featured, and user/programmer-friendly Python IRC bot, with many existing plugins.
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[Feature request] Channel alert: make alert text optional #1478

Open Mikaela opened 3 years ago

Mikaela commented 3 years ago

In my opinion alert is a bit weird command name and I mostly see ops used for this purpose, it's also weird that the command demands text. Thus I have Aka "ops" for it (aka add ops channel alert !ops $*, but I am pointed out that this doesn't work in private.

I think the command shouldn't require text and inform ops that their attention is desired when arguments aren't given on channel, this would also allow making aka add ops channel alert $* which would work in private also.

The current (running) version of this Limnoria is 2021.06.15, running on Python 3.9.2 (default, Feb 28 2021, 17:03:44) [GCC 10.2.1 20210110]. The newest versions available online are 2021.06.15 (in master), 2021.06.25 (in testing).

progval commented 3 years ago

Thus I have Aka "ops" for it (aka add ops channel alert !ops $*, but I am pointed out that this doesn't work in private.

Yes, because it's missing the first argument. either remove !opts or add a first argument before

Mikaela commented 3 years ago

(alert [<channel>] <text>) -- Sends <text> to all the users in <channel> who have the <channel>,op capability.

My preferred solution is making <text> optional so I can have an aka without arguments, so when it was called without arguments it would just tell Alert to all #test ops (from <nick>)

If I had an aka without the !ops, running it without arguments would give the help text (or just syntax depending on configuration), which I consider as breaking user expectations. Alternatively if I have the channel name as the first argument in the Aka, that will break all the other channels unless was resolved in which case I would need to add a lot of akas manually.