progval / Limnoria

A robust, full-featured, and user/programmer-friendly Python IRC bot, with many existing plugins.
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User ignore flag prevents AutoMode from working. #827

Open Mikaela opened 10 years ago

Mikaela commented 10 years ago

I think that it should only prevent interaction with bot, but it appears to also prevent AutoMode and possibly other automatic things too.

I don't want one account to interact with the bot any way, but get AutoModes, so I set ignore to true.

jlu5 commented 9 years ago

Try this:

diff --git a/plugins/AutoMode/ b/plugins/AutoMode/
index 01cf7fa..a6b7794 100644
--- a/plugins/AutoMode/
+++ b/plugins/AutoMode/
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ class Continue(Exception):
 class AutoMode(callbacks.Plugin):
     """This plugin, when configured, allows the bot to automatically set modes
     on users when they join."""
+    noIgnore = True
     def doJoin(self, irc, msg):
         channel = msg.args[0]
         if ircutils.strEqual(irc.nick, msg.nick):
Mikaela commented 3 years ago

@jlu5 Sorry, I am very late responding to this, but the fix doesn't seem to be working.