progval / Supybot-plugins

Collection of plugins for Supybot/Limnoria I wrote or forked.
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GitHub: Travis status is not shown correctly #274

Closed Mikaela closed 9 years ago

Mikaela commented 9 years ago
2015-04-15 00:02:00+0300 <@Dysforia> Mikaela/ Status for commit pages/channel: add swearing & slurs by Mikaela Suomalainen: The Travis CI build is in progress $target_url__tiny

$target_url__tiny should possibly be something else like URL where to find Travis status for the commit.

progval commented 9 years ago

ping @w1sht0l1v3

w1sht0l1v3 commented 9 years ago

Was this working before yesterday?If yes,try this: It's just a work in progres..GitHub plugin needs someone to fully fix it.

Mikaela commented 9 years ago

I have no idea when it broke as it was working when I left Limnoria and yesterday when I set up the plugin with defaults it was broken. I am also not interested in taking random patches outside of the repository.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Fixed by 979edb7.