progwml6 / compactsolars

Compact Solar Arrays for Minecraft and IndustrialCraft 2
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HV Solars stop connecting to glass fiber cables #15

Open bobby3605 opened 7 years ago

bobby3605 commented 7 years ago

I've been noticing a bug where if i leave the dimension where i have high voltage solar panels and come back the glass fiber cables aren't connecting to them. If I break and replace them, the cables connect again. I have the area chunkloaded with an ic2 chunk loader. Images

alexbegt commented 7 years ago

What versions of Compact Solars and IC2 are you running?

bobby3605 commented 7 years ago

compact solars is ic2 is 2.6.105-ex110

croftyraider commented 7 years ago

I've seen this as well - 1st tier compact solar connected to ic2 copper cable. When I reconnect to my game, the cable is no longer connected. For me, I had to break the solar panel, not the cable, to get a reconnect to occur.

I'm using CompactSolars-1.10.2- and industrialcraft-2-2.6.142-ex110

NekOrz commented 7 years ago

I've just encountered this situation too.

However, I couldn't find what cause it. It didn't happen when I reconnect to the server or go to different dimensions. It seems to occur randomly even when I stay near them (within 80 blocks).

I've tried different tiers of cable and solar generator, all have the same issue. Only the ic2 solar generator works normally.

I'm playing on a server, and the mod version is industrialcraft-2-2.6.142-ex110 CompactSolars-1.10.2- And i'm using Energy converter (energyconverters_1.10.2-

p.s. Seems to happen more frequently when i'm using a lot of energy. No block update detected.

Picture: 2017-02-27_21 37 14

Updated: It may has something to do with chunkload. After I keep the connection in single chunk, it stopped.

SharkWipf commented 7 years ago

Can confirm this bug still happens in the latest Age of Engineering pack. Seems to happen when the chunk unloads, despite the entire area is chunkloaded. Breaking the solar block and reconnecting it seems to fix it temporarily.

Minecraft version: 1.10.2 CompactSolars: 1.10.2- IC2: 2-2.6.234

alexbegt commented 7 years ago

Can you test with CompactSolars-1.10.2-

SharkWipf commented 7 years ago

Will test it later tonight, the pack just updated so with some luck this new version is now included already.

SharkWipf commented 7 years ago

So far so good, in the brief testing I did it seems to stay connected, I'll see if it stays fixed in real gameplay tonight.
It does seem bug #13 is back though: image This might be because of Optifine or Foamfix or similar mods, but it does work fine in version 331. I'm guessing this might be why @davqvist hasn't updated this mod with the latest pack update.

alexbegt commented 7 years ago

Can you try with to tell me if the background is missing?

SharkWipf commented 7 years ago

Skipped ahead to .336 and all is well: image

Thanks for the fast fix, so far it still seems to be working without disconnecting, if it does disconnect at some point I'll report back.
I'd say feel free to close this issue until then, but it's not my issue so I don't think I have the right to tell you that, haha.

SharkWipf commented 7 years ago

Interestingly, after having used CompactSolars without issue since my last reply, it suddenly happened again. All my solars, that is, 2 LV and 1 MV array, suddenly stopped outputting energy. Right-clicking 'em with an EU reader shows the message "Not an energy net tile".
I restarted the server and it started working again.
It's weird how this seems to happen in chunks that are chunkloaded. Makes me wonder if it might be the same issue causing rwtema/extrautilities#1135 and other similar issues that seem to happen in 1.10.2?
I'm guessing it might be a bug in Forge or 1.10.2 itself then.

kukutac commented 3 years ago

Just wanted to comment that it seems not to happen if all connections are in the same chunk. In my case, the quarry acts as a chunkloader.

Picture: solar_panels