As a student, I have the option, when creating a new repo, of adding a pair partner.
The default is individual.
If I select "add a pair partner", I'm prompted for github id of the pair partner. The message back to the user will be something like "If that github user is a member of the organization, an invitation has be sent to them."
If there is no match, then nothing will happen.
If there's a match, it creates and sends an invitation in the Anacapa system. The invitation will show up on the assignment page for the corresponding lab for the student that was invited. The invited student will be given the option to either accept or reject the invitation. Upon acceptance, the regular repo creation routine will occur. Upon rejection, the invitation record in the system is deleted and no longer shows up on the invitee's assignment page.
As a student, I have the option, when creating a new repo, of adding a pair partner.
The default is individual.
If I select "add a pair partner", I'm prompted for github id of the pair partner. The message back to the user will be something like "If that github user is a member of the organization, an invitation has be sent to them."
If there is no match, then nothing will happen.
If there's a match, it creates and sends an invitation in the Anacapa system. The invitation will show up on the assignment page for the corresponding lab for the student that was invited. The invited student will be given the option to either accept or reject the invitation. Upon acceptance, the regular repo creation routine will occur. Upon rejection, the invitation record in the system is deleted and no longer shows up on the invitee's assignment page.
CheckoutAssignmentJob.perform_later(params[:id], params[:student])