project-aslan / Aslan

Open source self-driving software for low speed environments
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] catkin_make tool fails while building objects #44

Open marcoluis97 opened 2 years ago

marcoluis97 commented 2 years ago

While following the installation guide for the Project Aslan Software, I've come across a build error after executing the command:


The errors can be observed in the following screenshot


As I've said, I've executed the installation according to the ProjectAslan Instalation guideline on the page. How should I proceed in order to correctly build the code?


SanderVanDijk-StreetDrone commented 2 years ago

Hi @marcoluis97 thanks for the report. The error you see is the compiler actually crashing, rather than a regular compilation error. This usually means that your machine is running out of resources, probably memory specifically. How much memory do you have on the machine that you are building on?

You see at the end that catkin_make runs make -j8 -l8 underneath, which means it runs 8 compilation jobs in parallel. You can reduce this amount to try to not have too many use too much memory at the same time, by running:

catkin_make --make-args -j4

Keep reducing the number, down to 1, if you still get the same issue.

marcoluis97 commented 2 years ago

Hi @SanderVanDijk-StreetDrone thanks for the answer. Yes, after some research I ended up at the same conclusion and tried to run a similar command. I was able to run Aslan and put the simulation environment running but am now encountering a few configuration problems. Could it be from the first failed build of the catkin workspace for Aslan? Thank you once again. I've noticed as well that the installation guide you provide does not include the need to source the catkin build tool and add it to the .bashrc file. Should that be necessary in order to work with multiples workspaces down the line?

SanderVanDijk-StreetDrone commented 2 years ago

It should build everything properly after retrying, but to be certain you can try deleting the build and devel directories and build from scratch again, though that will take some time. If you then still have any problems feel free to open a new issue for them!

When you create a new workspace to work on top of Aslan you indeed need to follow the regular ROS steps to do so, including sourcing the right workspaces. Doing that in .bashrc would indeed be the easiest way.