project-aslan / Aslan

Open source self-driving software for low speed environments
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Custom LiDAR data from vehicle #45

Open pandyah opened 2 years ago

pandyah commented 2 years ago

I have recorded custom LiDAR data (VLP-16) mounted on vehicle and created PCD and waypoints. However, when I try to run that in simulation, it does not work. I am using "empty world" for simulation. It seems there is something that I am missing. It would be great if you can have a look and provide the pointers.

Below are the steps used in simulation.

==> Simulation with empty world ['roslaunch', 'sd_robot', 'sd_twizy_worlds.launch', 'world:=empty', 'enable_rviz:=True'] xacro: in-order processing became default in ROS Melodic. You can drop the option. [Err] [] Error in REST request

libcurl: (6) Could not resolve host: [INFO] [1647928810.637523, 0.000000]: Loading model XML from ros parameter robot_description [INFO] [1647928810.653083, 0.000000]: Waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1647928811.557555, 0.068000]: Calling service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model [INFO] [1647928818.307326, 0.256000]: Spawn status: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity

==> On changing position of vehicle in Gazebo [ INFO] [1647928266.899053536]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin. [ INFO] [1647928266.900247978]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo_gui/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting... Node::Advertise(): Error advertising a topic. Did you forget to start the discovery service? Node::Advertise(): Error advertising a topic. Did you forget to start the discovery service?

==>TF Launch ['roslaunch', 'aslan_gui', 'baselink_to_localiser.launch', 'x:=0.95', 'y:=0.0', 'z:=1.11', 'yaw:=0.0', 'pitch:=0.0', 'roll:=0.0', 'frame_id:=/base_link']

==>PCD Launch ['roslaunch', 'pcd_loader', 'points_map_loader.launch', 'pcd_file:=/home/Aslan/aslan-220321.pcd']

==>TF (World to Map) ['roslaunch', 'map_tf_generator', 'map_tf_generate.launch']

==>Voxel grid filter ['roslaunch', 'voxel_grid_filter', 'voxel_grid_filter.launch', 'points_topic:=/points_raw']

==> Ray ground filter ['roslaunch', 'ray_ground_filter', 'ray_ground_filter.launch', 'input_point_topic:=/points_raw', 'no_ground_point_topic:=/points_no_ground', 'sensor_height:=1.8', 'clipping_height:=0.2', 'min_point_distance:=1.85', 'radial_divider_angle:=0.08', 'concentric_divider_distance:=0.01', 'local_max_slope:=8', 'general_max_slope:=5', 'min_height_threshold:=0.05', 'reclass_distance_threshold:=0.2']

==> NDT Matching ['roslaunch', 'lidar_localizer', 'ndt_matching.launch', 'use_odom:=False', 'use_imu:=False', 'imu_topic:=/imu_raw']

Log file: method_type: 0 use_gnss: 0 queue_size: 1 offset: linear get_height: 0 use_local_transform: 0 use_odom: 0 use_imu: 0 imu_upside_down: 0 imu_topic: /imu_raw localizer: velodyne (tf_x,tf_y,tf_z,tf_roll,tf_pitch,tf_yaw): (0.95, 0, 1.11, 0, 0, 0)

Updates the points [ERROR] [1647929813.192455708, 559.657000000]: Could not find a connection between 'map' and 'velodyne_base_link' because they are not part of the same tree.Tf has two or more unconnected trees.

==> NDT monitor Green after sometime ['roslaunch', 'lidar_localizer', 'ndt_matching_monitor.launch', 'iteration_threshold_warn:=10', 'iteration_threshold_stop:=32', 'score_threshold_delta:=14', 'min_stable_samples:=30', 'fatal_time_threshold:=2']

==> Waypoint loader ['roslaunch', 'waypoint_maker', 'waypoint_loader.launch', 'multi_lane_csv:=/home/Aslan/saved_waypoints.csv', 'replanning_mode:=False', 'resample_mode:=True', 'resample_interval:=1', 'velocity_max:=20', 'radius_thresh:=20', 'radius_min:=6', 'velocity_min:=4', 'accel_limit:=0.98', 'decel_limit:=0.98', 'velocity_offset:=4', 'end_point_offset:=5', 'disable_decision_maker:=True']

==> Launch Obstacle search ['roslaunch', 'astar_planner', 'obstacle_avoid.launch'] DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.101: diff = 0.0210065 DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.106: diff = 0.00453382 DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.093: diff = 0.0112843 DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.104: diff = 0.0225604 DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.101: diff = 0.00766487 DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.094: diff = 0.0162595 DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.102: diff = 0.0103894 Warning: TF_OLD_DATA ignoring data from the past for frame velodyne at time 0.213 according to authority unknown_publisher Possible reasons are listed at at line 277 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-melodic-tf2-0.6.5/src/buffer_core.cpp Warning: TF_OLD_DATA ignoring data from the past for frame velodyne at time 0.213 according to authority unknown_publisher Possible reasons are listed at at line 277 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-melodic-tf2-0.6.5/src/buffer_core.cpp

==> Velocity Request ['roslaunch', 'astar_planner', 'velocity_set.launch', 'lidar_points_topic:=points_no_ground', 'radar_points_topic:=radar/target_list_cartesian']

==> Lane Selection ['roslaunch', 'lane_planner', 'lane_select.launch', 'enablePlannerDynamicSwitch:=False'] Current vel from vehicle: 0.0945138 DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.096: diff = 0.0255666 Current vel from vehicle: 0.266319 DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.107: diff = 0.00591521 Current vel from vehicle: 0.0552824 DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.092: diff = 0.0113614 Current vel from vehicle: 0.123494 DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.1: diff = 0.00596655 ( Gtk-CRITICAL **: 11:55:27.855: gtk_box_gadget_distribute: assertion 'size >= 0' failed in GtkCheckButton Current vel from vehicle: 0.0596655 DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.103: diff = 0.00122089 Current vel from vehicle: 0.0118533 DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.097: diff = 0.00125734 [ WARN] [1647930328.166020340, 833.752000000]: Necessary topics are not subscribed yet. Waiting... [ WARN] [1647930328.166934191, 833.753000000]: Necessary topics are not subscribed yet. Waiting... [ WARN] [1647930328.295092934, 833.805000000]: Necessary topics are not subscribed yet. Waiting... [ WARN] [1647930328.295207656, 833.805000000]: current lane doesn't have change flag

==> Pursuit ['roslaunch', 'waypoint_follower', 'pure_pursuit.launch', 'is_linear_interpolation:=True', 'publishes_for_steering_robot:=False']

==> Low pass filtering ['roslaunch', 'waypoint_follower', 'twist_filter.launch']

==> On simulation The vehicle does not move.

[ INFO] [1647931009.014193921, 1198.696000000]: kappa : 0.027029 [ WARN] [1647931009.321041523, 1198.829000000]: Necessary topics are not subscribed yet ... twizy TwistAngular 2.09733 Steer 4 [ERROR] [1647931009.341758811, 1198.849000000]: ROSNDTMatchingMonitor FATAL CANNOT RECOVER - STOPPING. [ WARN] [1647931009.341946545, 1198.849000000]: Necessary topics are not subscribed yet. Waiting... [ WARN] [1647931009.342094869, 1198.850000000]: current lane doesn't have change flag DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.101: diff = 0.489737 [ WARN] [1647931009.355048729, 1198.863000000]: Necessary topics are not subscribed yet ... [ WARN] [1647931009.387945293, 1198.895000000]: Necessary topics are not subscribed yet ... Current vel from vehicle: 4.84888 twizy TwistAngular 2.09733 Steer 4 DEBUGGING2: diff_time = 0.102: diff = 0.477731 [ WARN] [1647931009.531965770, 1198.949000000]: Necessary topics are not subscribed yet. Waiting... [ERROR] [1647931009.531820091, 1198.949000000]: ROSNDTMatchingMonitor FATAL CANNOT RECOVER - STOPPING. [ WARN] [1647931009.532087013, 1198.949000000]: current lane doesn't have change flag [ WARN] [1647931009.544716230, 1198.962000000]: Necessary topics are not subscribed yet ...

Best regards, Hitesh

pandyah commented 2 years ago


I understand that the custom LiDAR ROS bag will not work with Gazebo simulation and will need vehicle interface.

However, when we try to enable Lane Selection and Pure Pursuit during the playback, we continuously get the message as below. Can you please see why this message is coming and which topics it is waiting for.

[ WARN] [1648025824.493744931]: Necessary topics are not subscribed yet. Waiting... [ WARN] [1648025824.496652192]: Necessary topics are not subscribed yet. Waiting...

Best regards, Hitesh