I have executed TC_SWTCH_2_6 . 4a, 5a and 6a step passed. step from 7a isn't applicable for esp_generic_switch because we are not supporting MSL feature. So it is expected that the TC should pass but it is failing.please find the failure logs.
Steps to reproduce the behavior
commission generic switch and execute TC_SWTCH_2_6
Expected behavior
It should pass because steps from 7a NA for my DUT
Describe the bug
I have executed TC_SWTCH_2_6 . 4a, 5a and 6a step passed. step from 7a isn't applicable for esp_generic_switch because we are not supporting MSL feature. So it is expected that the TC should pass but it is failing.please find the failure logs.
Steps to reproduce the behavior
commission generic switch and execute TC_SWTCH_2_6
Expected behavior
It should pass because steps from 7a NA for my DUT
Log files
TC-SWTCH-2-6-sep-27-count3-esp32c3.log TC-SWTCH-2-6-sep-27-count3-TH.log
PICS file
No response
No response
Additional Information
No response