project-chip / connectedhomeip

Matter (formerly Project CHIP) creates more connections between more objects, simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers, guided by the Connectivity Standards Alliance.
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How to start a commission from sharing device without input wifi account and password. #25778

Closed MissionaryHGQ closed 1 year ago

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

Reproduction steps

1、You commissioned a matter device using Apple, then you click the button "turn on pairing mode" to share the device and get a pairing code A. 2、You developed a home app named, you call the api "MTRDeviceContrller pairDevice:(uint64_t)deviceID onboardingPayload:(NSString *)onboardingPayload" using the paring code A you got from Apple Home. After a while , you should prompt up an alertView to get the wifi ssid and password to go on commissioning. This procedure is unreasonable as it's shared from a commissioned app. 3、then you call the api "MTRDeviceController pairDevice:(uint64_t)deviceID discriminator:(uint16_t)discriminator setupPINCode:", to avoid inputing wifi ssid and password. but the question is that, you use the api "MTRManualSetupPayloadParser populatePayload", you won't get a correct discriminator from the paing code A, so you can't go on commissioning. So how to get a correct discriminator, or how to start a commission from sharing device without input wifi ssid and password. can anyone help me?

Bug prevalence


GitHub hash of the SDK that was being used

iOS 16.2 system Matter.framework



Platform Version(s)


Anything else?

No response

bzbarsky-apple commented 1 year ago

After a while , you should prompt up an alertView to get the wifi ssid and password to go on commissioning.

There's nothing in Matter.framework itself that puts up such an alertView. Who is putting it up and why?

you won't get a correct discriminator from the paing code A

Is this a numeric pairing code (as opposed to a QR code), so you're just getting a short discriminator?

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

After a while , you should prompt up an alertView to get the wifi ssid and password to go on commissioning.

There's nothing in Matter.framework itself that puts up such an alertView. Who is putting it up and why?

you won't get a correct discriminator from the paing code A

Is this a numeric pairing code (as opposed to a QR code), so you're just getting a short discriminator?

Yes , this is a 11-digit numeric code produced by "open paring window", and I found that I can parsed out a normal discriminator (as well as vendorId and productId) from it. The discriminator I got is "15", which seems to be a short discrimunator. the alertView is put up by me, because the next commission step requires the wifi ssid and password, and I can't get a correct discriminator from paring code A

bzbarsky-apple commented 1 year ago

The discriminator I got is "15", which seems to be a short discrimunator.

15 could be a long discriminator value too. But a numeric code always has a short discriminator, so you do in fact have a short discriminator.

because the next commission step requires the wifi ssid and password

Why does it require that if the device is already on-network?

and I can't get a correct discriminator from paring code A

What is "not correct" about the short discriminator? The short discriminator will let you discover all devices that match that short discriminator, just like a long discriminator would let you discover all devices that match it. There might be more things that match the short discriminator, because it has fewer possible values so the chance of collision is higher, but apart from that....

I guess what I don't understand is what you are doing exactly. You are given an onboarding payload (what you are calling A above) for an on-network device. If you are using the version of Matter.framework in 16.2, the simplest thing is to use:

    - (BOOL)pairDevice:(uint64_t)deviceID
        onboardingPayload:(NSString *)onboardingPayload
                    error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;

and just pass in the A that you got. This will do the discovery, etc. Then when your MTRDevicePairingDelegate is notified onPairingComplete without an error, you use:

   - (BOOL)commissionDevice:(uint64_t)deviceId
        commissioningParams:(MTRCommissioningParameters *)commissioningParams
                      error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;

and just don't specify any network credentials in the MTRCommissioningParameters, since the device is already on the network.

At no point in that do you need to parse out discriminators, etc.

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

It works for me that "just don't specify any network credentials in the MTRCommissioningParameters", I can pair the device which is already on the network now. But the other question is that , how to judge "the device is already on the network ", which api can help? I should consider in which situation, I must specify the network credentials in the MTRCommissioningParameters and which is not.

bzbarsky-apple commented 1 year ago

@MissionaryHGQ If you use MatterSupport, the device will already be on the network.

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

do you mean that the Matter.framework have not api to confirm the device (which paring from a mannual code.) is a new one or already on the work?

bzbarsky-apple commented 1 year ago

@MissionaryHGQ Once you have set up the PASE session, there is sessionTransportType available on the MTRBaseDevice, starting in iOS 16.4.

But again: the only current way to commission devices that are not already on the network is to use MatterSupport.framework to bring them onto the network, open a commissioning window, and get a setup payload, and then use Matter.framework to commission them.

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

I have studied MatterSupport.framework before for many weeks, but sufferd many unknown error. such as , "HMErrorDomain error 2" after "commissioned complete successfully", Xcode throw out an error "device.setup.manager Failed to perform Matter device setup setup: Error Domain=HMErrorDomain Code=2 "(null)) . and the Matter Extension has not invoked any funtion durning the whole process. So finally I couldn't even pair successful. Then I used Matter.frawork and it worked!. So is there any demo or document about MatterSupport.framework for the time being?

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

@MissionaryHGQ Once you have set up the PASE session, there is sessionTransportType available on the MTRBaseDevice, starting in iOS 16.4.

But again: the only current way to commission devices that are not already on the network is to use MatterSupport.framework to bring them onto the network, open a commissioning window, and get a setup payload, and then use Matter.framework to commission them.

I am nowing using MatterSupport.framework to pair new device now. The pair procedure is very smoothly. And from my device log, I see logs such as "received sigmal3 msg", ”commissioning completed successfully“, "received command to open commissioning window", "commissioning window is now open".

It seems that the commissioning is successful, but finally my iPhone prompt an error alertView "Unable to Pair, Home couldn't connect to this accessary". And the MatterExtension didn't receive any logs I write in. Is there any special setup about MatterExtension or any other works I should do , can you help me ? I have confused about it for several months.

bzbarsky-apple commented 1 year ago

@MissionaryHGQ I don't know what's going on there. If you get "commissioning window is now open" I would expect you to get a setup payload that you can then use with Matter.framework to commission the device into your fabric. Are you getting a payload?

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

not, I can't get a payload. "open commissioning window" is automatically invoked after I called the MatterSupported API "MatterAddDeviceRequest()", And I can't get the setup payload because It didn't have any callback during the commissioning. The application extension class "MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler" didn't give me any callback too. I didn't know in which time the commissioning is completed as not receive any callback during the commissioning.

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

I am just wondering that whether I have used the application extension "MatterExtension" correctly. I just add an matter extension target, then config the bunleID and do nothing. is there any special setup about it ? as the matter extension didn't show any invoke log, so I wonder about it.

bzbarsky-apple commented 1 year ago

@MissionaryHGQ I'm hoping there will be better documentation for MatterSupport in the near future, but in the meantime if you attach your code that uses MatterSupport here I might be able to ask people to look at it and see if anything jumps out at them.

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

I have commited a feedback attached my code to and the feedback id is "FB12086187", nobody response to me yet. I think it may be the question of communication between the MatterSupport.frawework's application extention with my main application, but I don't how to use it correctly.

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

my code is simple as below: ` func performMatterRequest( ecosystemName: String = "Magenta Fabric", homeName: String = "My Home", payload: MTRSetupPayload? = nil) async {

        let magentaHome = MatterAddDeviceRequest.Home(displayName: homeName)
        let topology = MatterAddDeviceRequest.Topology(
            ecosystemName: ecosystemName,
            homes: [magentaHome])
        let request = MatterAddDeviceRequest(
            topology: topology,
            setupPayload: payload)
        do {
            try await request.perform()
        } catch {
            self.error = error
            showingAlert = true

error log: [device.setup.manager] Failed to perform Matter device setup setup: Error Domain=HMErrorDomain Code=23 "(null)" The operation couldn’t be completed. (HMErrorDomain error 23.) [xpc.server.proxy] [D62DACD9-FBAF-4E27-9A5B-22CF45B11852] Failed to obtain remote object proxy for performDeviceSetupUsingRequest: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service named} [device.setup.manager] [CDDB17EA-6FCB-4419-B94C-0370DEFA5AE7] Failed to perform Matter device setup setup: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service named} app] Couldn’t communicate with a helper application.

muralivm commented 1 year ago

@MissionaryHGQ: Which matter accessory are you using to commission and are you using Apple matter controller for commissioning?

edWin-m commented 1 year ago

@bzbarsky-apple could you please expand a bit on the commissioning flow you hinted at below?

But again: the only current way to commission devices that are not already on the network is to use MatterSupport.framework to bring them onto the network, open a commissioning window, and get a setup payload, and then use Matter.framework to commission them.

We are trying to build our app for production and we just found out that we need to use MatterSupport for commissioning. When we used the methods noted here, the device was commissioned successfully, however, like what @MissionaryHGQ said, there aren't any callbacks returning the payload or the device info in our case.

bzbarsky-apple commented 1 year ago

@edWin-m @MissionaryHGQ Are you subclassing MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler in your application as described in ?

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

@edWin-m @MissionaryHGQ Are you subclassing MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler in your application as described in ?

sure, I did.

edWin-m commented 1 year ago

@bzbarsky-apple same here

bzbarsky-apple commented 1 year ago

@MissionaryHGQ @edWin-m And your subclass's commissionDevice is not being called?

edWin-m commented 1 year ago

@bzbarsky-apple It's being called.

bzbarsky-apple commented 1 year ago

@edWin-m OK, so if your commissionDevice is being called, then it's handled a setup payload that you can use to commission the device into your fabric, no?

edWin-m commented 1 year ago

@bzbarsky-apple We got the onboarding payload. Now we are working on the commissioning of the devices into our fabric. Thanks for the assistance.

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

did your commission with mattersupport.framework work well before iOS16.5? @edWin-m

edWin-m commented 1 year ago

did your commission with mattersupport.framework work well before iOS16.5?

@MissionaryHGQ We never tested it on the previous versions. We just started with iOS16.5. Is commissioning failing on the previous versions?

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

did your commission with mattersupport.framework work well before iOS16.5?

@MissionaryHGQ We never tested it on the previous versions. We just started with iOS16.5. Is commissioning failing on the previous versions?

yes, commission before iOS16.5 is always unstable in my case. you may try and share me your result.

edWin-m commented 1 year ago

@MissionaryHGQ We have tested this on iOS16.4, and we haven't encountered anything out of the ordinary. Commissioning on both versions appears to have the same success rate.

MissionaryHGQ commented 1 year ago

@edWin-m you may repeat trying to remove and pair device again, the commision may become unstable. btw, which beta version of iOS16.5 are you using?

eling22 commented 1 year ago

@edWin-m @MissionaryHGQ I have followed But it seems like didn't work for me. The matter extension cann't be launched. And the subclass's function not be called. Is matter extension the right way to subclass 'MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler' ?

It will be appreciate if you could share about your experience about subclassing the RequestHandler. Thank you very much.

woody-apple commented 1 year ago

That said, for Matter Support or Home issues, please file a feedback assistant ticket on Home as follows:

Feedback assistant ticket:

Nishant0585 commented 1 year ago

@bzbarsky-apple Hi I have onboarded matter accessory using matterSupport and Commissioned it on iPhone using Matter iOS SDK API's Now Again I want to pen pairing window to other admin from my app? no clue how to open it trying openCommissioningWindow(withDiscriminator:duration:queue:completion:) But how to call this method

or How to get my paired Accessory , using Matter iOS SDK

bzbarsky-apple commented 1 year ago

But how to call this method

Well, you need an MTRBaseDevice, right? You presumably have a controller for the relevant fabric and know the accessory's node ID, right? In that case, to create the device object ([MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:whatever controller:something]) and then call the method.

Nishant0585 commented 1 year ago

@bzbarsky-apple Ok, I'll try this but, to to open CommissioningWindow we required below params, setupPasscode, discriminator, from where is can fetch ?

func openCommissioningWindow( withSetupPasscode setupPasscode: discriminator: duration: queue: completion: )

Nishant0585 commented 1 year ago

@bzbarsky-apple got through with this ([MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:whatever controller:something]) I am getting object of MTRBaseDevice But when try to openCommissioningWindow with random setupPasscode & discriminator getting Transaction time out...

Nishant0585 commented 1 year ago

@bzbarsky-apple trying to read all attributes of the connected device get error (passing nil in all param of wildcard*)

Error is Mdns: Resolve failure (KDNSServiceErr_timeout) chip error 0*000000032: Timeout

bzbarsky-apple commented 1 year ago

we required below params, setupPasscode, discriminator, from where is can fetch ?

You get to pick them. Random generation is fine, as long as it follows the rules for these things in the spec. MTRSetupPayload has a generateRandomSetupPasscode class method for doing that for the passcode, since the rules are not trivial. Discriminator can be any value 0-4095.

Mdns: Resolve failure (KDNSServiceErr_timeout)

Did you use the right node id? What does dns-sd -B _matter._tcp show before you try to do the operational resolve? What node ID are you passing to deviceWithNodeID:?

Nishant0585 commented 1 year ago

@bzbarsky-apple I am passing same device which I have used in setup commissioning session

with that node id I am creating MTRBaseDevice

on that trying to call open pairing window or read attributes but it say Mdns: Resolve failure (KDNSServiceErr_timeout)

Nishant0585 commented 1 year ago

@bzbarsky-apple 12:54:43.100 ...STARTING... Timestamp A/R Flags if Domain Service Type Instance Name 12:54:43.101 Add 3 15 local. _matter._tcp. 93E7D599F41DC1DB-00000000749E482F 12:54:43.101 Add 2 15 local. _matter._tcp. E13D03B5DD7EB17D-0000000000000001

bzbarsky-apple commented 1 year ago

12:54:43.101 Add 3 15 local. _matter._tcp. 93E7D599F41DC1DB-00000000749E482F 12:54:43.101 Add 2 15 local. _matter._tcp. E13D03B5DD7EB17D-0000000000000001

OK, and what was the numeric value of the node ID you passed to openCommissioningWindow in that exact situation?

At some point here, the right answer is for you to file a feedback assistant ticket, capture the relevant logs on the phone and attach them there, and let me know what the feedback assistant issue id is.... Because I can't just keep guessing at what you are doing, especially if you won't tell me.

Nishant0585 commented 1 year ago

12:54:43.101 Add 3 15 local. _matter._tcp. 93E7D599F41DC1DB-00000000749E482F 12:54:43.101 Add 2 15 local. _matter._tcp. E13D03B5DD7EB17D-0000000000000001

OK, and what was the numeric value of the node ID you passed to openCommissioningWindow in that exact situation?

At some point here, the right answer is for you to file a feedback assistant ticket, capture the relevant logs on the phone and attach them there, and let me know what the feedback assistant issue id is.... Because I can't just keep guessing at what you are doing, especially if you won't tell me.

@bzbarsky-apple NodeId used is 1

Nishant0585 commented 1 year ago

eedback assistant ticket @bzbarsky-apple Created new Ticket, added code also

bzbarsky-apple commented 1 year ago

@Nishant0585 I'll follow up there, but I was talking about a feedback assistant ticket, not a github issue....

qawitherev commented 1 year ago

@bzbarsky-apple It's being called.

@edWin-m how do you get the methods in RequestHandler being called, does it have to do anything with beginRequest(with context: NEExtensionContext)?

nvm, got it, we can't see the log using print as it is an extension, not the app itself 😷

qawitherev commented 1 year ago

@edWin-m @MissionaryHGQ I have followed But it seems like didn't work for me. The matter extension cann't be launched. And the subclass's function not be called. Is matter extension the right way to subclass 'MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler' ?

It will be appreciate if you could share about your experience about subclassing the RequestHandler. Thank you very much.

@eling22 Yes. Matter extension is the right way to subclass the request handler. This request handler is launched whenever MatterAddDeviceRequest.perform() is executed. However, since it is an extension (not the app), you cannot see the debug print in Xcode. You have to use Logger and see the debug print in Console app on your Mac.

LucaFagan commented 1 year ago

@bzbarsky-apple It's being called.

@edWin-m how do you get the methods in RequestHandler being called, does it have to do anything with beginRequest(with context: NEExtensionContext)?

nvm, got it, we can't see the log using print as it is an extension, not the app itself 😷

I had the same problem, and solved in this way:

Nishant0585 commented 10 months ago

Hi @bzbarsky-apple I am using matter support framework Devices are already on the network, I want to use showDeviceCriteria so that it will display only those in more option which is not paired(like apple home)

how to utilize showDeviceCriteria

what value will be passed when I set showDeviceCriteria .not(.......) ?

bzbarsky-apple commented 10 months ago

@Nishant0585 I don't know offhand, sorry....

bzbarsky-apple commented 10 months ago

@Nishant0585 I have been trying to find the answer to your question, but I realized I am not quite sure what you are asking. What do you mean by "only those in more option which is not paired(like apple home)"?