project-error / npwd

NPWD is a FiveM phone resource written entirely in TypeScript and React.
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bug: ND Core integration not saving phone numbers correctly #1141

Open realCallMeJ opened 4 months ago

realCallMeJ commented 4 months ago

Development Issue


Phone Version


Issue Description

when using the ND Core integration, if you change character or disconnect from the server, phonenumber in the database gets set to (NULL) for the character that you were last on

Issue Reproduction

  1. select your character once you load into the server
  2. check DB and confirm a phone number has been added to your character
  3. change characters or disconnect from the server
  4. refresh the DB and confirm the phone number is now null for the character you were last on
  5. if disconnecting from server, see server console for error


this is the error that comes up in server console when i disconnect from the server: image

there doesn't appear to be any errors when i change character

logs when changing character: (didn't include anything that was "silly")

{"level":"info","message":"Unloaded NPWD Player, source: (1)","module":"player","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.139Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"ND Core Player Phone number: no phone number found","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.144Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Executed query (SELECT phonenumber FROM nd_characters WHERE charid = ? LIMIT 1 [\"19\"]) in 3.7121ms'","module":"DBInterface","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.148Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Find user for number generation data >","module":"player","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.148Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Phone number was returned as null, generating new number","module":"player","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.148Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Executed query (SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM nd_characters WHERE phonenumber = ?) [\"548-990-1689\"]) in 1.3398ms'","module":"DBInterface","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.149Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Phone number generated > 548-990-1689","module":"player","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.150Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Executed query (UPDATE nd_characters SET phonenumber = ? WHERE charid = ? [\"548-990-1689\",\"19\"]) in 1.63ms'","module":"DBInterface","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.151Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"New NPWD Player added through event (1) (19)","module":"player","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.151Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":{"_firstname":"test","_identifier":"19","_lastname":"test","_phoneNumber":"548-990-1689","source":1,"username":"Jackson S."},"module":"player","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.152Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Executed query (\n        SELECT *\n        FROM npwd_twitter_profiles\n        WHERE identifier = ?\n        LIMIT 1\n\t\t [\"19\"]) in 2.0214ms'","module":"DBInterface","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.237Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Executed query (\n        SELECT *\n        FROM npwd_twitter_profiles\n        WHERE identifier = ?\n        LIMIT 1\n\t\t [\"19\"]) in 2.3135ms'","module":"DBInterface","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.237Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Executed query (\n        SELECT \n,\n  npwd_twitter_tweets.identifier,\n AS profile_id,\n  npwd_twitter_profiles.profile_name,\n  npwd_twitter_profiles.avatar_url,\n  npwd_twitter_tweets.likes,\n  npwd_twitter_tweets.visible,\n  IFNULL(COALESCE(retweets.message, npwd_twitter_tweets.message), '') AS message,\n  IFNULL(COALESCE(retweets.images, npwd_twitter_tweets.images), '') AS images,\n  npwd_twitter_tweets.retweet IS NOT NULL AS isRetweet,\n AS retweetId,\n  retweets_profiles.profile_name AS retweetProfileName,\n  retweets_profiles.avatar_url AS retweetAvatarUrl,\n IS NOT NULL AS isLiked,\n IS NOT NULL AS isReported,\n  npwd_twitter_tweets.createdAt,\n  npwd_twitter_tweets.updatedAt,\n  TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF( NOW(), npwd_twitter_tweets.createdAt)) AS seconds_since_tweet\n\n        FROM npwd_twitter_tweets\n                 LEFT OUTER JOIN npwd_twitter_profiles\n                                 ON npwd_twitter_tweets.identifier = npwd_twitter_profiles.identifier\n                 LEFT OUTER JOIN npwd_twitter_likes ON = npwd_twitter_likes.tweet_id AND\n                                                       npwd_twitter_likes.profile_id = ?\n                 LEFT OUTER JOIN npwd_twitter_reports ON = npwd_twitter_reports.tweet_id AND\n                                                         npwd_twitter_reports.profile_id = ?\n                 LEFT OUTER JOIN npwd_twitter_tweets AS retweets ON = npwd_twitter_tweets.retweet\n                 LEFT OUTER JOIN npwd_twitter_profiles AS retweets_profiles\n                                 ON retweets.identifier = retweets_profiles.identifier\n        WHERE npwd_twitter_tweets.visible = 1\n        ORDER BY id DESC\n        LIMIT ? OFFSET ?\n\t\t [7,7,\"25\",\"0\"]) in 1.5782ms'","module":"DBInterface","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.239Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Executed query (SELECT * FROM npwd_phone_contacts WHERE identifier = ? ORDER BY display ASC [\"19\"]) in 3.168ms'","module":"DBInterface","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.289Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Executed query (SELECT,\n                          npwd_messages_conversations.conversation_list         as conversationList,\n                          npwd_messages_participants.unread_count               as unreadCount,\n                          npwd_messages_conversations.is_group_chat             as isGroupChat,\n                          npwd_messages_conversations.label,\n                          UNIX_TIMESTAMP(npwd_messages_conversations.updatedAt) as updatedAt,\n                          npwd_messages_participants.participant\n                   FROM npwd_messages_conversations\n                            INNER JOIN npwd_messages_participants\n                                       on = npwd_messages_participants.conversation_id\n                   WHERE npwd_messages_participants.participant = ? [\"548-990-1689\"]) in 5.1826ms'","module":"DBInterface","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.291Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Executed query (\n        SELECT *,\n               UNIX_TIMESTAMP(updatedAt) AS lastActive\n        FROM npwd_match_profiles\n        WHERE identifier = ?\n        LIMIT 1\n\t\t [\"19\"]) in 5.8734ms'","module":"DBInterface","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:39:24.292Z"}

logs when disconnecting from server:

{"level":"info","message":"Unloaded NPWD Player, source: (1)","module":"player","timestamp":"2024-03-06T03:49:59.125Z"}
TheSteveRizzo commented 3 months ago

Also having this issue. Investigated the script's handleUnloadPlayerEvent and deleteFromMaps but cannot find where this would lead to setting a NULL value...

Update Another player notes it is specifically the nd_character integration, as ND_Core alone doesn't do this.

RockySouthpaw commented 3 months ago

How does ND Core even handle saving players? I'm guessing whatever method theyre using for saving characters is just overwriting this column which shouldn't be hard fix at all. You just need to save that portion too by updating db. Not really related to NPWD.

realCallMeJ commented 3 months ago

How does ND Core even handle saving players? I'm guessing whatever method theyre using for saving characters is just overwriting this column which shouldn't be hard fix at all. You just need to save that portion too by updating db. Not really related to NPWD.

ah, that would make sense @Andyyy7666 would you be able to look into this?

but for the error screenshot i attached, could that be caused by what you mentioned or would that be an NPWD issue? cause that only happens when disconnecting from the server

Andyyy7666 commented 3 months ago

Yes, ND Core is updating the phonenumber column to null. This is because the phonenumber isn't being set in the ND player data.

TheSteveRizzo commented 3 months ago

Is it possible to assign the phonenumber to the player data within the ND_Core as a pass-thru or does this have to be done within NPWD with whatever number it generates within its own code?

Andyyy7666 commented 3 months ago

Maybe if we could get the phone number here

TheSteveRizzo commented 3 months ago

(A lazy workaround for now) Commented out line 194 NDCore/server/player.lua --self.phonenumber, so it does not overwrite the value set in DB on disconnect , sticks with static phone number set

lama-development commented 2 months ago

I tried doing that workaround but the error seems to keep popping up. It happens when players leave the server