Temporary fix to the broken flogo engine build when the streams are added to it.
Removed the temporary step to install stream simulation dependencies
This won't fix the binary generation feature which has streams involved
This will fix the following error while starting the server / container:
Error building project: # github.com/project-flogo/stream/pipeline
/Users/fcastill/go/pkg/mod/github.com/project-flogo/stream@v0.2.1-rc.1/pipeline/context.go:294:30: cannot use newCtx (type *ExecutionContext) as type activity.Context in argument to invokeCallback:
*ExecutionContext does not implement activity.Context (missing GetTracingContext method)
/Users/fcastill/go/pkg/mod/github.com/project-flogo/stream@v0.2.1-rc.1/pipeline/context.go:332:28: cannot use newCtx (type *ExecutionContext) as type activity.Context in argument to invokeCallback:
*ExecutionContext does not implement activity.Context (missing GetTracingContext method)
This is a temporary fix and does not solve the issue with generating a binary from the web ui which has streams in it.
Temporary fix to the broken flogo engine build when the streams are added to it.
This will fix the following error while starting the server / container:
This is a temporary fix and does not solve the issue with generating a binary from the web ui which has streams in it.