project-grand-canyon / pgc-admin

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Save Talking Point Error State #7

Open boralben opened 4 years ago

boralben commented 4 years ago

Feedback from an admin: "The tool just rejected the input entirely and closed out the window with that error warning, and I lost the text I had put together into the window. Needless to say, very frustrating."

What's going on here is that when a person saves a talking point to the API, the add/edit modal disappears from the screen. On a successful API response, a success card is then put on the screen. And on a failed response, a failure message is displayed in a new modal.

What needs to change: The add/edit modal should remain on the page until a response is received. While waiting, the form is disabled. In the event of a successful response, the modal can disappear and show the same success card as before. In the event of a failure, the failure message will be displayed inside the existing modal and provide the opportunity to edit the input and resubmit.

HamRichards commented 4 years ago

Until the change is in, could a reminder be added to the talking-point screen that composing text in an on-line widow is risky? It's always safer to prepare text off-line, and then to copy and paste it into the web window.