project-imas / encrypted-core-data

v2.0 - iOS Core Data encrypted SQLite store using SQLCipher
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An NSManagedObjectContext delegate overrode fault handling behavior to silently delete the object #232

Open kilovata opened 8 years ago

kilovata commented 8 years ago

CoreData: warning: An NSManagedObjectContext delegate overrode fault handling behavior to silently delete the object with ID '0x127e66e40 x-coredata://10A7A9BA-9E86-464C-9EA8-ADEC2AF7AD7F/Card/p4' and substitute nil/0 for all property values instead of throwing.

What that means? The table is not displayed correctly.

ivieru commented 8 years ago

It happens if you have "index" property in your entity. Problem resolved after renaming/removing it.

ppaulojr commented 8 years ago

The property cannot be named group, select or any SQL reserved word because EncryptedCoreData is not escaping the names.