Open atticusofsparta opened 1 day ago
Please Describe The Problem To Be Solved
A testing suite for AOS processes would be nice.
example util for handler coverage (more oriented to ANT contracts but could be modified for AOS):
import fs from 'fs'; import { glob } from 'glob'; import chalk from 'chalk'; import luaparse from 'luaparse'; import yargs from 'yargs'; import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers'; // Configure named arguments const argv = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .option('luaEntryFile', { alias: 'l', type: 'string', description: 'Path to the Lua entry file', demandOption: true, }) .option('testFilePattern', { alias: 't', type: 'string', description: 'Glob pattern for test files (e.g., **/*.test.(ts|mjs|js))', demandOption: true, }) .option('coverageOutputFile', { alias: 'o', type: 'string', description: 'File to output the coverage report (optional)', }) .help().argv; // Handler extraction functions function getHandlerNames(filePath) { const content = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8'); const ast = luaparse.parse(content); const handlers = new Set(); function traverseNode(node) { if ( node.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' && == 'init' ) { node.body.forEach((subNode) => { if ( subNode.type == 'LocalStatement' && subNode.variables[0].name.includes('ActionMap') ) { subNode.init?.forEach((initNode) => { if (initNode.type === 'TableConstructorExpression') { initNode.fields.forEach((field) => { if ( field.key.type === 'Identifier' && field.value.type === 'StringLiteral' ) { handlers.add(field.value.raw.replace(/^["']|["']$/g, '')); // Remove quotes } }); } }); } }); } } ast.body.forEach((node) => traverseNode(node)); return Array.from(handlers); } // Test file processing functions function extractTestedHandlers(testFileContent) { const actionRegex = /{ name: 'Action', value: ['"](\w+(-\w+)?)['"] }/g; const testedHandlers = new Set(); let match; while ((match = actionRegex.exec(testFileContent)) !== null) { // Add handler to set, ensuring any quotes are removed testedHandlers.add(match[1].replace(/^['"]|['"]$/g, '')); } return [...testedHandlers]; } function getTestedHandlersInFiles(pattern, luaHandlers) { const testedHandlers = new Set(); const files = glob.sync(pattern, {}); files.forEach((file) => { const content = fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf-8'); extractTestedHandlers(content, luaHandlers).forEach((handler) => testedHandlers.add(handler), ); }); return [...testedHandlers]; } // Coverage report generation function generateCoverageReport(luaHandlers, testedHandlers) { const untestedHandlers = luaHandlers.filter( (handler) => !testedHandlers.includes(handler), ); const coverage = ((luaHandlers.length - untestedHandlers.length) / luaHandlers.length) * 100; const reportLines = []; reportLines.push(chalk.bold('\nHandlers Coverage Report')); reportLines.push(`Total Handlers: ${chalk.cyan(luaHandlers.length)}`); reportLines.push( `Tested Handlers: ${ - untestedHandlers.length)}`, ); reportLines.push(`Untested Handlers: ${}`); reportLines.push( `Coverage: ${coverage >= 80 ? + '%') : + '%')}`, ); if (untestedHandlers.length > 0) { reportLines.push('\nUntested Handlers:')); untestedHandlers.forEach((handler) => reportLines.push(`- ${}`), ); } else { reportLines.push('\nAll handlers are tested!')); } const reportText = reportLines.join('\n'); console.log(reportText); if (argv.coverageOutputFile) { fs.writeFileSync( argv.coverageOutputFile, reportLines.join('\n').replace(/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m/g, ''), ); console.log(`\nReport written to ${argv.coverageOutputFile}`)); } } // Run the report generation const luaHandlers = getHandlerNames(argv.luaEntryFile); const testedHandlers = getTestedHandlersInFiles( argv.testFilePattern, luaHandlers, ); generateCoverageReport(luaHandlers, testedHandlers);
refer to for example implementation
Please Describe The Problem To Be Solved
A testing suite for AOS processes would be nice.
example util for handler coverage (more oriented to ANT contracts but could be modified for AOS):