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Improve full-text searching by expanding reference primary #100

Open prowns opened 2 months ago

prowns commented 2 months ago

Problem Description: All records (YPM, AAT, Wikidata, GBIF) have the same primary name: Equus Caballus. Most users would search "horse". The issue is raised by art museums, who use Horse as subject heading, and include this in their data under "represents". Discussion surfaced an inconsistency in how simple search is working.

Question: how is simple search working? It is not consistent for this use case.

Expected Behavior/Solution: Simple search should work such that boxley sheep would retrieve the correct record, even though the primary name is Ovis.

Change simple search to use referenceName instead of referencePrimaryName

Make the same change for the Name field in Advanced Search


Needed for promotion: If an item on the list is not needed, it should be crossed off but not removed.

UAT/LUX Examples:

The searches below should show this record in the results:


Related Github Issues:

Related links:

Wireframe/Mockup: Place wireframe/mockup for the proposed solution at end of ticket.

prowns commented 2 months ago

Horse is a primary name in Equus Caballus, but not labelled as english. This is why it appears, but Ovis does not have this. @clarkepeterf will try using the referencename index to in DEV so it can be reviewed. This include anything in identifedBy with type of name.

clarkepeterf commented 2 months ago

Preliminary deployment in DEV looks good. Propose to also do the following:

prowns commented 2 months ago

Per Interactions 4/25

prowns commented 2 months ago

Performance test needed before this is deployed.

brent-hartwig commented 2 months ago

@clarkepeterf, captures related comparisons.

prowns commented 1 month ago

Performance tests on 5/9 failed; still determining if issue is with this issue or ML.

roamye commented 1 week ago

IT meeting 6/21: Performance test 6/7 results are successful. This ticket is no longer blocked and will be deployed in 6/24 cycle.