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Create RDATA Tenant #159

Open clarkepeterf opened 1 month ago

clarkepeterf commented 1 month ago
jffcamp commented 1 month ago

@azaroth42, where is the RDATA dataset, for Peter to load?

roamye commented 2 weeks ago

@clarkepeterf - besides the location of the Rdata set, is there any missing information needed for this ticket to move from forming -> prioritization review?

@azaroth42 - can you provide the location of the RDATA set for Peter? Thank you.

I am moving this ticket to next deployment: 6/24 as it is still in forming.

clarkepeterf commented 5 days ago

I will move forward with creating the RDATA tenant before next deployment. I will move to backlog. We will just need to load data to it to make it useful :)

jffcamp commented 5 days ago

@azaroth42, we will be creating the rdata tenanent for the 7/8 release. Can you please share the location of the dataset for rdata?