project-lux / lux-marklogic

Code, issues, and resources related to LUX MarkLogic
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Create new "DATA" tenant in DEV #164

Closed jffcamp closed 1 week ago

jffcamp commented 1 month ago

Problem Description: We need an environment where we can test new datasets without disrupting the regular development flow.

Expected Behavior/Solution: Creating a new lux-data-dev tenant will allow new datasets and new code dependent on the data to be deployed and tested.

Requirements: List of details required for the completion of the issue or requirements for the feature/bug. This can also include requirements that lie outside of the teams such as new design docs or clarification from an outside source.

Needed for promotion: If an item on the list is not needed, it should be crossed off but not removed.

UAT/LUX Examples: N/A - this won't go to UAT and is intended for internal purposes


Related Github Issues:

Related links:

Wireframe/Mockup: Place wireframe/mockup for the proposed solution at end of ticket.

clarkepeterf commented 2 weeks ago

I don't think this needs to be reviewed as part of the normal UAT process. but the data-dev tenant is created and supports the following instance of LUX:

roamye commented 1 week ago

If the data-dev tenant is created can this issue be closed? Or are we still missing the two boxes that are unchecked?

@clarkepeterf @kamerynB

clarkepeterf commented 1 week ago

@roamye those steps are also done - I just checked them off - all good to close this item