project-lux / lux-marklogic

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Add Build Time Data Constant For Collection #167

Closed clarkepeterf closed 1 week ago

clarkepeterf commented 4 weeks ago

Problem Description: We updated the indexes to use AATs instead of dataconstants. Therefore, we no longer need to receive a pipelineDataConsants.json file from the pipeline. However, the collection constant is defined in that file and is used in the via search facets. So, we'll have to generate the same constant at build time.

Expected Behavior/Solution: Creat a new generation config for the constant

Requirements: List of details required for the completion of the issue or requirements for the feature/bug. This can also include requirements that lie outside of the teams such as new design docs or clarification from an outside source.

Needed for promotion: If an item on the list is not needed, it should be crossed off but not removed.

UAT/LUX Examples:


Related Github Issues:

Related links:

Wireframe/Mockup: Place wireframe/mockup for the proposed solution at end of ticket.

roamye commented 2 weeks ago

@clarkepeterf what are the UAT links? or is this only reviewable in the backend?

roamye commented 2 weeks ago

@clarkepeterf Was this deployed?

clarkepeterf commented 2 weeks ago

@roamye this was deployed. The best way I can think to prove it is that the current pipelineDataConstants.json file contains the following line:


(this is only visible in source code)

But the data constants in TST show a different LUX URI for "collection", because we are now generating it at runtime based on the Getty AAT URI

roamye commented 2 weeks ago

Approved by UAT

roamye commented 1 week ago

@clarkepeterf was this deployed to PROD? I am checking the data constants in PRD and this is what is shown below:

"collection": "",

wanted to confirm if that was correct before closing.

clarkepeterf commented 1 week ago

That is correct - it is deployed to PRD