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Force Range Index for AutoComplete Fields Without Range Indexes #198

Open clarkepeterf opened 2 days ago

clarkepeterf commented 2 days ago

Problem Description: The eventName and eventPrimaryName fields currently do not have any Field Range Indexes - which are needed for autocomplete.

Expected Behavior/Solution: Force Range Indexes for these fields so that autocomplete can work


Needed for promotion:

- [ ] Wireframe/Mockup - Mike - [ ] Committee discussions - Sarah - [ ] Feasibility/Team discussion - Sarah - [ ] Backend requirements - TBD - [ ] Frontend requirements- TBD - [ ] Are new regression tests required for QA - Amy - [ ] Questions - List of questions for discussions. Answers should be documented within the issue.

UAT/LUX Examples: Autocomplete is not being used - this is an ML only change. Just making sure this feature is not broken when it is consumed by the frontend.


- Blocked By: Issues that are blocking the completion of the current issue. - Blocking: Issues being blocked by the completion of the current issue.

Related Github Issues:

- Issues that contain similar work but are not blocking or being blocked by the current issue.

Related links:

- These links can consist of resources, bugherds, etc.

Wireframe/Mockup: Place wireframe/mockup for the proposed solution at end of ticket.