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Create a short guide for how to include data in gov't rollouts #458

Open gbinal opened 9 years ago

gbinal commented 9 years ago

cc @rebeccawilliams, @philipashlock

philipashlock commented 9 years ago

"rollouts" is used here to reference press releases, announcements, the launch of new initiatives, etc. Anything that has a data component at the core should include due diligence to make sure the raw data is cited and actually provided in a usable way

rebeccawilliams commented 9 years ago

separate from this issue, but tangentially related is tagging data relevant for reports in advance of release cc @dsmorgan77

nsinai commented 9 years ago

These are both great ideas! cc @feomike @MarinaMartin @rypan @ErieMeyer

rebeccawilliams commented 9 years ago

See also the dataset embed feature being explored in issue #127.

rebeccawilliams commented 9 years ago

Formats for a suggested citation that we might use =


When using this dataset, please cite the original publication:

Ma, Liwang, et. al. 2012. Calibrating RZWQM2 model for maize responses to deficit irrigation. Agricultural Water Management 103 (2012) 140–149. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2011.11.005

In addition, please cite the Ag Data Commons record:

USDA ARS Water Management Unit (2015). USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Corn, Greeley, Colorado. Ag Data Commons. http://data.nal.usda.govdataset/usda-agricultural-research-service-ars-corn-greeley-colorado


U.S. Geological Survey, 2015, Landsat surface reflectance data: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2015–3034, 1 p., ISSN 2327-6932 (online)

See also: