project-owner / PeppyMeter.doc

PeppyMeter documentation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error when starting peppyalsa #13

Closed kolya-povalyaev closed 8 months ago

kolya-povalyaev commented 8 months ago

Hello, could you help me? After installing peppyalsa, an error occurs when trying to run peppyalsa to verify that peppyalsa is installed correctly :

aplay -D peppyalsa 05.wav Playing WAVE '05.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo Floating point exception (core dumped)

at the same time , when

aplay -D hw:0,0 05.wav Playing WAVE '05.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo

That's all right

project-owner commented 8 months ago

Hi, where do you run the plugin - which platform (Raspberry Pi or PC), which OS, 32 or 64-bit? Was the plugin build successful, what is the content of your .asoundrc file?

kolya-povalyaev commented 8 months ago

Hello, PC platform ,

Kernel: 4.15.0-213-generic x86_64 bits: 64 Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS

There were no errors when building the plugin

the contents of the asound.conf file

pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm "softvol_and_peppyalsa" }

ctl.!default { type hw card 0 }

pcm.peppyalsa { type meter slave.pcm "hw:0,0" scopes.0 peppyalsa }

pcm.softvol_and_peppyalsa { type softvol slave.pcm "peppyalsa" control { name "PCM" card 0 } }

pcm_scope.peppyalsa { type peppyalsa decay_ms 400 meter "/tmp/myfifo" meter_max 100 meter_show 1 spectrum "/tmp/myfifosa" spectrum_max 100 spectrum_size 30 logarithmic_frequency 0 logarithmic_amplitude 1 smoothing_factor 20 window 3 }

pcm_scope_type.peppyalsa { lib /usr/local/lib/ }

pcm.dsp0 peppyalsa

the /tmp/mififo buffer is installed but even with the default one ("/home/pi/myfifo"), the problem is the same.

kolya-povalyaev commented 8 months ago

I installed "volumio" on this PC on another HDD, and then compared the files in the "peppyalsa" folder on "volumio" and on ubuntu, and some files on ubuntu were just empty, so it turns out that the problem is in the build, despite the fact that there are no errors.

project-owner commented 8 months ago

I'd recommend to ask the question about PC build on Volumio forum: As far as I remember someone reported about successful usage of the PeppyMeter on PC.

project-owner commented 8 months ago

Here is the dedicated thread:

kolya-povalyaev commented 8 months ago

Hello, the fact is that everything is installed and working on "volumio", but I want to install peppymeter on a clean ubuntu 64bit, but there was a problem installing peppyalsa.

project-owner commented 8 months ago

Hi, what is the problem? Which files are empty? Have you installed all dependencies? Maybe the last command 'sudo make install' didn't copy files into correct folders?

kolya-povalyaev commented 8 months ago

Hello, here is a list of empty files (0 bytes)

aclocal.m4 AUTHORS config.log config.status configure libtool LICENSE Makefile NEWS README

kolya-povalyaev commented 8 months ago

At the same time, after aplay -L displays a complete list of sound cards and peppyalsa and softvol_and_peppyalsa are there.

project-owner commented 8 months ago

I don't know if build process on Ubuntu is different from Debian. Did you see any errors when you installed the following dependencies?

build-essential autoconf automake libtool libasound2-dev libfftw3-dev

Any errors after these commands?

aclocal && libtoolize
autoconf && automake --add-missing
./configure && make
sudo make install

What's the filesize of this file /usr/local/lib/ ?

kolya-povalyaev commented 8 months ago

Hello, there were no errors when installing dependencies, there would be no errors after the listed conades either. after the command ./configure && make there were warnings

the file in the specified directory is . its size is 72.9kB

project-owner commented 8 months ago

Hmm, everything looks OK. The only confusing thing is that the peppyalsa doesn't use float numbers for VU Meter functionality. Can you remove spectrum analyzer section from the configuration and see if that makes any difference?

spectrum "/tmp/myfifosa"
spectrum_max 100
spectrum_size 30
logarithmic_frequency 0
logarithmic_amplitude 1
smoothing_factor 20
window 3
kolya-povalyaev commented 8 months ago

hello, I have only deleted

logarithmic_frequency 0 logarithmic_amplitude 1 smoothing_factor 20 window 3

and the peppyalsa driver is working.Thanks But this is only part of the problem, at first I installed peppymeter completely, but it did not work, the screensaver itself started, but the needles did not move.I started checking the peppyalsa driver, but it didn't work, I tried to figure it out for a long time, but I couldn't, and then I wrote to you here.

Could you help me with this problem as well?

project-owner commented 8 months ago

I've found that issue recently while testing the Peppy Player on a new version of OS and Pygame 2 library (used for UI). The dynamic screen update doesn't work anymore. It doesn't work for track time, VU Meter etc. It looks like the new version of Pygame is using new display driver KMSDRM. Screen updates don't work properly for that combination. I'm still trying to find a solution for that issue...

kolya-povalyaev commented 8 months ago

Hello, I installed pygame version 1.9.4, but still the needles don't move.

project-owner commented 8 months ago

I've fixed the issue. Now PeppyMeter works on the system where it didn't work before. I need to make one more change for the Volumio team. Then I'll make a new release. I hope to do that during the next weekend.

kolya-povalyaev commented 8 months ago

Hello, thank you for your work.

project-owner commented 8 months ago

Hi, I've just released a new version. You can try it to see if it works now.

kolya-povalyaev commented 8 months ago

Hello, yes, everything worked fine, it runs even in the absence of a graphical environment.

kolya-povalyaev commented 8 months ago

If you write where to transfer the money, as a thank you for your help, for beer.I'll be happy to do it.

project-owner commented 8 months ago

Great! This is a completely free software. Adding a star to the project would be enough. Enjoy!