Closed jhjaggars closed 4 years ago
Adds a process that produces a periodic exposition of diagnostic data in $DATA_DIR/diagnostics.json.
The data looks something like this:
{ "config": { "default_node_id": "node", "default_config": null, "default_data_dir": "/Users/jjaggars/.receptor", "default_debug": null, "default_max_workers": null, "default_logging_format": null, "auth_server_cert": null, "auth_server_key": null, "auth_server_ca_bundle": null, "auth_client_cert": null, "auth_client_key": null, "auth_client_verification_ca": null, "auth_server_cipher_list": null, "auth_client_cipher_list": null, "node_listen": null, "node_peers": [ "rnp://localhost:8888" ], "node_server_disable": true, "node_stats_enable": null, "node_stats_port": null, "node_keepalive_interval": null, "node_groups": null, "node_ws_extra_headers": null, "func": "receptor.entrypoints.run_as_node", "ephemeral": false }, "node_id": "node", "datetime": "2020-03-27T18:35:35.456782", "recent_errors": [ { "@message": "[' File \"/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/\", line 102, in handle\\n action_method, namespace = self.get_action_method(directive)\\n', ' File \"/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/\", line 80, in get_action_method\\n worker_module = self.load_receptor_worker(namespace)\\n', ' File \"/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/\", line 35, in load_receptor_worker\\n raise exceptions.UnknownDirective(f\"Error loading directive handlers for\")\\n']", "@timestamp": "2020-03-27T18:35:35.456837", "@source_host": "Jesses-MBP-2.lan", "@fields": { "name": "", "levelname": "ERROR", "levelno": 40, "pathname": "/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/", "filename": "", "module": "work", "lineno": 135, "funcName": "handle", "created": 1585330427.289694, "msecs": 289.69407081604004, "relativeCreated": 9191.896915435791, "thread": 4703620544, "threadName": "MainThread", "processName": "MainProcess", "process": 92966, "node_id": "node", "message": "[' File \"/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/\", line 102, in handle\\n action_method, namespace = self.get_action_method(directive)\\n', ' File \"/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/\", line 80, in get_action_method\\n worker_module = self.load_receptor_worker(namespace)\\n', ' File \"/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/\", line 35, in load_receptor_worker\\n raise exceptions.UnknownDirective(f\"Error loading directive handlers for {name}\")\\n']", "asctime": "2020-03-27 13:33:47,289" } }, { "@message": "Error encountered while handling the response, replying with\n an error message (Error loading directive handlers for nop)", "@timestamp": "2020-03-27T18:35:35.456873", "@source_host": "Jesses-MBP-2.lan", "@fields": { "name": "", "levelname": "ERROR", "levelno": 40, "pathname": "/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/", "filename": "", "module": "work", "lineno": 133, "funcName": "handle", "created": 1585330427.286861, "msecs": 286.8609428405762, "relativeCreated": 9189.063787460327, "thread": 4703620544, "threadName": "MainThread", "processName": "MainProcess", "process": 92966, "node_id": "node", "message": "Error encountered while handling the response, replying with\n an error message (Error loading directive handlers for nop)", "asctime": "2020-03-27 13:33:47,286" } } ], "connections": [ { "address": "", "port": 8888, "compression": null, "cipher": null, "peercert": null, "sslcontext": null, "closed": false, "chunk_size": 65536, "node_id": "controller", "capabilities": { "worker_versions": { "receptor_stresstest": "1.0.0", "receptor_file": "0.1.0" }, "max_work_threads": 8 } } ], "routes": { "nodes": [ "controller" ], "edges": [ { "left": "controller", "right": "node", "cost": 1 } ], "neighbors": [ { "node_id": "controller", "items": [ "node" ] }, { "node_id": "node", "items": [ "controller" ] } ], "table": [ { "destination_node_id": "controller", "next_hop": "controller", "cost": 1 } ] }, "tasks": [ { "state": "PENDING", "items": [ { "name": "receptor.receptor.Receptor.shutdown_handler", "stack": [ { "filename": "/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/", "line": "await asyncio.sleep(1)", "lineno": 206 } ] }, { "name": "receptor.connection.base.Worker.receive", "stack": [ { "filename": "/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/connection/", "line": "async for msg in self.conn:", "lineno": 60 } ] }, { "name": "receptor.connection.base.Worker.watch_queue", "stack": [ { "filename": "/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/connection/", "line": "item = await asyncio.wait_for(self.outbound.get(), 5.0)", "lineno": 104 } ] }, { "name": "receptor.connection.sock.connect", "stack": [ { "filename": "/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/connection/", "line": "await worker.client(t)", "lineno": 59 } ] }, { "name": "receptor.diagnostics.status", "stack": [ { "filename": "/Users/jjaggars/Library/Caches/pypoetry/virtualenvs/receptor-7LbJpkJb-py3.6/bin/receptor", "line": "load_entry_point('receptor', 'console_scripts', 'receptor')()", "lineno": 11 } ] }, { "name": "receptor.buffers.file.DurableBuffer.manifest_writer", "stack": [ { "filename": "/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/buffers/", "line": "await self._manifest_dirty.wait()", "lineno": 129 } ] }, { "name": "receptor.receptor.Receptor.message_handler", "stack": [ { "filename": "/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/", "line": "data = await buf.get()", "lineno": 136 } ] }, { "name": "receptor.buffers.file.DurableBuffer.get", "stack": [ { "filename": "/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/buffers/", "line": "item = await self.q.get()", "lineno": 74 } ] }, { "name": "receptor.receptor.Manifest.watch_expire", "stack": [ { "filename": "/Users/jjaggars/code/receptor/receptor/", "line": "await asyncio.sleep(600)", "lineno": 58 } ] }, { "name": "asyncio.locks.Event.wait", "stack": [ { "filename": "/Users/jjaggars/.pyenv/versions/3.6.9/lib/python3.6/asyncio/", "line": "yield from fut", "lineno": 283 } ] } ] } ], "metrics": [ { "name": "python_gc_objects_collected", "type": "counter", "samples": [ { "name": "python_gc_objects_collected_total", "labels": { "generation": "0" }, "value": 13615, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null }, { "name": "python_gc_objects_collected_total", "labels": { "generation": "1" }, "value": 2610, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null }, { "name": "python_gc_objects_collected_total", "labels": { "generation": "2" }, "value": 691, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null } ] }, { "name": "python_gc_objects_uncollectable", "type": "counter", "samples": [ { "name": "python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total", "labels": { "generation": "0" }, "value": 0, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null }, { "name": "python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total", "labels": { "generation": "1" }, "value": 0, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null }, { "name": "python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total", "labels": { "generation": "2" }, "value": 0, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null } ] }, { "name": "python_gc_collections", "type": "counter", "samples": [ { "name": "python_gc_collections_total", "labels": { "generation": "0" }, "value": 125, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null }, { "name": "python_gc_collections_total", "labels": { "generation": "1" }, "value": 11, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null }, { "name": "python_gc_collections_total", "labels": { "generation": "2" }, "value": 1, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null } ] }, { "name": "python_info", "type": "gauge", "samples": [ { "name": "python_info", "labels": { "version": "3.6.9", "implementation": "CPython", "major": "3", "minor": "6", "patchlevel": "9" }, "value": 1, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null } ] }, { "name": "bytes_recv", "type": "counter", "samples": [ { "name": "bytes_recv_total", "labels": {}, "value": 2948, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null }, { "name": "bytes_recv_created", "labels": {}, "value": 1585330418.2000089, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null } ] }, { "name": "incoming_messages", "type": "counter", "samples": [ { "name": "incoming_messages_total", "labels": {}, "value": 1, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null }, { "name": "incoming_messages_created", "labels": {}, "value": 1585330418.2000299, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null } ] }, { "name": "connected_peers", "type": "gauge", "samples": [ { "name": "connected_peers", "labels": {}, "value": 1, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null } ] }, { "name": "work_events", "type": "counter", "samples": [ { "name": "work_events_total", "labels": {}, "value": 0, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null }, { "name": "work_events_created", "labels": {}, "value": 1585330418.200063, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null } ] }, { "name": "active_work", "type": "gauge", "samples": [ { "name": "active_work", "labels": {}, "value": 0, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null } ] }, { "name": "route_events", "type": "counter", "samples": [ { "name": "route_events_total", "labels": {}, "value": 1, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null }, { "name": "route_events_created", "labels": {}, "value": 1585330418.200086, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null } ] }, { "name": "routing_table", "type": "info", "samples": [ { "name": "routing_table_info", "labels": { "edges": "{('controller', 'node', 1)}" }, "value": 1, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null } ] }, { "name": "receptor_info", "type": "info", "samples": [ { "name": "receptor_info_info", "labels": { "node_id": "node", "receptor_version": "1.0.0" }, "value": 1, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null } ] }, { "name": "worker_info", "type": "info", "samples": [ { "name": "worker_info_info", "labels": { "plugins": "{'worker_versions': {'receptor_stresstest': '1.0.0', 'receptor_file': '0.1.0'}, 'max_work_threads': 8}" }, "value": 1, "timestamp": null, "exemplar": null } ] } ] }
Adds a process that produces a periodic exposition of diagnostic data in $DATA_DIR/diagnostics.json.
The data looks something like this: