project-rig / nengo_spinnaker

SpiNNaker based Nengo simulator.
MIT License
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Improve matrix storage #146

Closed mundya closed 7 years ago

mundya commented 7 years ago

Rewrite the transmission parameters to reduce code complexity and save memory (on host).

Profiling this for a single instance of a 512-D memory recall benchmark indicates:

Metric Master This PR
Build time / s 212.2 220.6
Peak memory used / GiB 8.62 0.92

(Memory measured using /usr/bin/time -f "%M" [command] and thus subject to some sampling problems but likely reliable. Running with valgrind would be better but would take forever.)

On my laptop (which has a relatively small cache) this results in a performance improvement - this is not evidenced on the machine I tested on (cspc276), which has a larger cache.

mundya commented 7 years ago

After 864081c the performance as is follows:

Metric Master This PR
Build time / s 212.6 171.7