project-safari / zebra

lab resource inventory and reservation system
Apache License 2.0
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State&Status #175

Open evaachim opened 1 year ago

evaachim commented 1 year ago

Update the state and status of resources and of the system as needed.

evaachim commented 1 year ago

Some things to consider:

  1. A resource's status can also be added in addition to that of a lease. This could be based on the status of a lease.

  2. Currently the status options are: free, leased. There could be others as well. They can be:

        - error state 
        - pending state 
        - others
  3. May need to pull from the leaseability PR.

evaachim commented 1 year ago

This can be achieved by adding functions that change the state/status depending on the given situation and then save / store it for that given resource.