project-serum / serum-dex

Project Serum Rust Monorepo
Apache License 2.0
627 stars 330 forks source link

Provide tooling to get Serum DEX transaction history #243

Open gitmalong opened 2 years ago

gitmalong commented 2 years ago

Please provide a tooling that allows users to fetch a transaction history with all actions made on (a certain) Serum market. I'm currently in the unfortunate situation that I have to file my taxes while I made many transactions on various markets. I am really surprised there is no tooling available. It would also help to provide docs how such transactions can be extracted until a proper tooling is available.

How can I retrieve (partly) fulfilled orders for a certain wallet and market?

gitmalong commented 2 years ago

Could you at least point in the right direction? @armaniferrante

fromzerotox commented 2 years ago
