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Understanding deference with CQRS and Mediator #125

Closed metrondir closed 6 minutes ago

metrondir commented 1 week ago

The Mediator pattern is a software design pattern that facilitates interaction between objects in a way that reduces direct dependencies between them, promoting loose coupling and improving maintainability. MediatR, a popular library, provides an implementation of the mediator pattern, focusing on simplicity for developers by allowing them to separate query and command requests. However, while this approach enhances code organization and maintainability, it does not inherently improve application performance.


Implementing CQRS requires creating a process to synchronize the read model with changes in the write model. This synchronization ensures that any updates, deletions, or insertions (triggered by commands) are reflected in the read model. By directing all query operations to this optimized read model, application performance is significantly enhanced, as read operations are typically more frequent and can benefit from the speed and efficiency of a dedicated query database.


Here is a detailed explanation of the CQRS pattern and its benefits:

Separation of Concerns: By splitting the application into distinct models for reading and writing, developers can optimize each part independently. The write model can focus on transactional integrity, while the read model can be tuned for fast data retrieval.

Performance Improvements: Query operations can be directed to a highly optimized data store, such as a cache or search engine, significantly improving read performance. This reduces the load on the primary database, which only handles command operations.

Scalability: With the read and write workloads separated, each can be scaled independently based on demand. For example, read-heavy applications can scale out the read model without affecting write operations.

Flexibility in Data Storage: Different storage technologies can be used for the read and write models, allowing developers to choose the best tool for each job. The primary database can ensure data consistency, while the read database can be chosen for its querying capabilities.

Eventual Consistency: The synchronization process between the write and read models may introduce eventual consistency. However, this trade-off is often acceptable given the performance benefits.

Enhanced Maintainability: The clear separation of read and write operations simplifies the codebase, making it easier to manage and evolve over time.

In summary, while the Mediator pattern, implemented through tools like MediatR, enhances code organization and maintainability by decoupling components, it does not directly address performance. The CQRS pattern, on the other hand, is explicitly designed to improve performance by separating read and write operations into different models and optimizing each accordingly. This involves using a primary database for commands and a high-performance data store for queries, along with a synchronization process to keep the read model up-to-date with changes from the write model.