Closed ldeviveiros closed 9 years ago
It's not a permissions problem - I changed permissions for the folder "N:\Data\Commissioning" so that the user project8 has full control, we still get the same error.
I'm not able to duplicate this problem in tests. While processing an example egg file I do not see the error message from hashing. And here's the AMQP message that was broadcast about the file, including the hash value:
2015-08-24T17:53:06[Level 35] dripline.core.service(305) -> Received message #1
application: None
routing_key: rsa_acquisition_table
"timestamp": "2015-08-24T2424:53:06Z",
"sender_info": {
"username": "irene\\project8",
"exe": "C:\\Users\\project8\\My Documents\\Go\\bin\\hornet.exe",
"package": "hornet",
"hostname": "IRENE",
"version": "v2.4.3",
"commit": "v2.4.3-0-g48f3cb8"
"retcode": 0,
"payload": {
"file_hash": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
"file_name": "rid000000001_test.egg",
"fname_other": "test",
"values": [
"run_id": "000000001"
"msgop": 9
This was a configuration problem, and has been resolved.
While running a mantis acquisition, we get the following error messages from Hornet:
NOTICE > Sending to the classifier
ERROR > Error while hashing: exit status 1
NOTICE > Sending to the classifier
ERROR > Error while hashing: exit status 1
Otherwise, the run is acquired without problem, and it runs to the end. We get one entry in the database for the first file: But the file_hash field is empty - it indicates the problem might be in calculating the hash, and not with communicating with the database.